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By the time you had your jeans and sneakers on, Bucky was already done in the kitchen and making his way into the bedroom. He quickly got dressed in a pair of black jeans and a black t-shirt with his boots. He hid a few of his favorite knives in his boots, and put on his holster with one of his guns before putting on his leather jacket. You rolled your eyes at how overly cautious he was being, but you also liked the fact that he was protective. You had been taken for over three weeks, and it was the worst time of your life. You were still dealing with the aftermath, but the team certainly made you feel cherished and loved. Your Bucky was exceptionally protective. You figured he thought he pulled the wool over your eyes last night when he had his knives on him, and his gun in the small of his back. He had slipped into the bedroom and put them away smoothly, so that you didn't bother commenting.
You slipped your rose patterned purse over your shoulder, and double checked your wallet to make sure you had everything just in case. You went to the wall and grabbed your phone off the charger, and grabbed Bucky's for him. He took long strides towards you and kissed you quickly on the lips and pulled back, so you handed him his phone. He put it in his jacket pocket, but not before checking the time. He seemed satisfied and he went to the bedside table behind you and grabbed the keys to the car.
"You have everything?" you asked with a small smirk.
"No" he frowned slightly before leaning in and giving you another chaste kiss on the lips. His right hand reached down and grabbed the globe of your ass and he gave a firm squeeze. "But I'm getting there" he pulled back with his flirty smile.
"Oh, you" you tapped him on the chest and giggled. "Come on, daylight is burning" you reminded him.
"I'm driving, you can be DJ" he jangled the keys and you led the way out. You waited until Bucky was out the front door, and turned to lock it. He waited patiently for you, standing close behind you. You both headed towards the car. You paused halfway to the car and waved at the camera in case anyone was watching, before you went to the passenger side. Bucky was already there holding the door open for you. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and slipped into the car. You quickly put on the seatbelt and Bucky shut the door gently before he ran around to get in the driver's seat. Once you were situated, you took out your phone and opened your Spotify and went to your liked playlist and hit play. Bucky got in the car and put on his seatbelt before turning on the car. Your Bluetooth hooked up quickly and the music started coming through the speakers softly. Bucky quickly turned up the volume before he started reversing the car out its spot and heading into town.

The Walmart run for cleaning supplies and things needed generally around the cabin only took a little over an hour, and Bucky went a little crazy at Best Buy getting a new TV, three gaming systems, a surround sound system, and two tablets. He paid extra for same day delivery and you both made your trek to the mall. So far he had paid for everything, and you felt a little guilty but honestly, every time you went to pull your card out, he was faster and he just paid. You had enough room in the backseat for what you wanted for the bathroom, so you hadn't bothered going back to the cabin yet.
When you got out of the car, Bucky was quick to run around and take your hand proudly and you walked side by side to the mall. He held open the doors for you, and you rewarded him with a kiss on the cheek once you were past the second set of doors. You saw him getting a few looks, and knew he was being recognized. You felt a pulse of anxiety and Bucky simply pulled you under his arm and he kissed your cheek, nuzzling in slightly to remind you that he was there for you. You saw the flicker of electricity around you and a few people commented, but thankfully didn't know you were the cause.
"I'm terrible with crowds, I can just order online" you stopped moving.
"Baby doll, I'm right here beside you. We are going to one of your favorite stores, and we will be in and out" he spoke softly and reassuringly to you. You steeled yourself and nodded with resolve. "Come on, I'll be right here with you," he promised, and started steering you into the mall more. You eyed a few of the stores, but you didn't have it in you to go to more than your intended store for today. Your feet quickly led the way to your destination and you both walked in, various scents washing over you all at once, almost hitting you like a brick wall. You ignored the stares you and Bucky were attracting as you made your way to grabbing a basket. Bucky grabbed a second basket with a smirk and you felt him pull on your hand as he started making his way to your preferred soaps. He started grabbing bubble baths, soaps, shampoo, conditioner's, bath bombs, body lotion and candles, filling up his basket. You couldn't help but giggle at the sight of the overflowing basket. You went and grabbed a few other scents so you would have variety, and Bucky continued finding different things for the bathroom. You were having fun, so much so that you didn't even realize that you were relaxing visibly. You both started making your way to the counter to pay when you looked up to see a long haired brunette with soft green eyes and a surprised smile on her face. You knew her anywhere.
"Kate?" you asked in surprise, feeling your heart fall into your stomach.
"Y/N?" she asked, seeming to be in shock. "You're alive?" She seemed surprised.
"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" you asked, then realized it was likely a lie that your parents had been spreading.
"Your mama and daddy told everyone you ran away, then a few years ago said you were dead" her eyes teared up slightly. "I really believed them" she reached for a tissue and dabbed at her eyes. "Where have you been?!" she suddenly asked, looking almost angry.
"I went to college like I always planned. My folks disowned me. I've been living here in the city, working" you were a little shocked at how upset she seemed.
"Why didn't you send me a letter or call?" she demanded.
"I did send letters to my parents address, with my updated phone number. They took my phone away when I left for college, I didn't have anyone's number or address anymore" you knew her anger wasn't against you. You let go of Bucky's hand and put your basket up on the counter. She sniffed and hurried around the counter and she quickly pulled you into a nearly bone breaking hug. You slowly, but timidly returned the hug.
"Everyone back home thinks you're dead" she whispered in your ear, and you felt tear droplets touch your cheek.
"I'm okay, I'm alive" you replied, keeping your voice low. "What have you been up to?" you asked, pulling back slightly from the hug. You noticed Bucky was watching with curiosity, but also keeping an eye on your surroundings.
"I got out of town as soon as I could, and have been working odd jobs trying to get a job as an actress. This is my latest job" she pulled back from the hug finally and you felt a little relieved as she had been holding you so tightly. "Did you end up getting a job in computers like you always wanted?" she asked hopefully.
"I did, it's how I found my new family" you broke out into a smile. Bucky put his hand in the small of your back, and you stepped in under his arm.
"Is this your husband?" Kate asked, looking pointedly at Bucky's vibranium arm and recognition went across her face.
"Future husband. My name is Bucky" Bucky held out his hand and gave a large smile. You smiled and shook your head.
"I never agreed to that," you giggled.
"You will" he winked at you, and shook Kate's hand.
"You're James Buchanan Barnes" she finally pieced it together with a squeak"
"We just call him Bucky" you gave a soft smile.
"How did you two meet?" she asked, curiosity written all across her face.
"At work actually. I work for the Avengers" you flushed a bit admitting it. "I also live with them," you added a little shyly.
"Wow, that's so amazing. You went from a small town girl to... just look at you. You look fantastic, and you seem to be doing fantastic" she gestured to you. "We need to do a girls night. I have a billion questions since you know, I've been going around thinking you've been dead all this time."
"Sure, I'll give you my number" you nodded and she whipped her phone out of her back pocket quickly. You rattled it off for her and she sent you a text and your phone beeped in your back pocket. You giggled and took out your phone to text a quick hi back.
"I see your taste in perfumes hasn't changed" she giggled looking at the two baskets.
"No, I still love it" you gave a soft sigh and she pulled you in for another quick hug.
"I'm really glad you're not dead. I can't wait to tell everyone, we had a memorial for you at our ten year high school reunion" she turned and went back behind the counter. "Your parents should be ashamed of themselves," she added.
"I doubt that would ever happen" you gave a soft huff and watched as she rang everything up and bagged it as she went. "Is there even a gravestone?" you asked a little curiously.
"Yep, right by your granny and grampy" she nodded. "No funeral, funny enough. Come to think of it, your parents never seemed all that upset, which was weird. Even Roger cried at the memorial we had" Kate said, rolling her eyes.
"That putz actually cried?" you asked with a scowl.
"He really put on a show. A few of us knew differently" Kate assured you.
"Who's Roger?" Bucky asked quickly.
"That no good ex boyfriend of hers that cheated when they were going steady back in high school. She caught him red handed, and he still tried to make it sound like it wasn't his fault. Pants down and everything" Kate got a little red in the face and a slight country twang came forward.
"I could take him," Bucky flexed a bit, after putting his basket on the counter.
"But you won't, you are a better man than he ever was or will be" you took his right hand and kissed the back of it. He relaxed slightly and gave you a loving gaze.
"For you doll, anything" Bucky pulled you in and he gave you a kiss in the center of your forehead.
"Is this all together?" Kate asked.
"Yes, and it's on my card" Bucky pulled out his wallet.
"No way mister, it's my turn" you tried to argue.
"I'll do that thing you like again tonight" he grinned and gave you a heated gaze, and you flushed thinking of exactly what you loved when he did it in bed. Kate's ears went red and you bit your bottom lip. She quickly finished ringing everything in, and Bucky swiped his card before you could dare argue again.
"I gave you my employee discount" Kate whispered conspiratorially to you.
"Thank you" you gave a bright smile, your cheeks still red.
"I can't believe you were the woman in the papers with Bucky. If it wasn't for the eyes and that smile, I wouldn't have recognized you" she gave a soft sigh.
"Don't forget me for girls night" you smiled at her as Bucky took the seven bags off the counter and held them with ease.
"There's way too much to catch up on" she grinned. "Come back and see me soon!" she waved as Bucky held all the bags with his left hand, and held your hand with his right.
"Bye Kate!" you waved with your free hand and Bucky led you out of the store.
"Now you can have your bath" Bucky said, but had a million questions in his face.
"No, we don't have any towels yet" you giggled.
"We will stop at the compound and I will go grab your pink one's for now" he started leading you through the crowd. "She seemed nice," he said, giving you a quick glance.
"She was always nice to me in school, we went through grade school, middle school and high school together. I'm surprised they went so far to put up a tombstone" you frowned slightly.
"You have a better family now, who loves you Y/N. Don't forget that" Bucky pulled you in and gave you a kiss on your temple.
"How are we even going to fit this, let alone the towels?" you asked with a soft sigh.
"Where there's a will, there's a way" Bucky chuckled and continued to lead you out.

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