Dress shopping

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You woke up the next morning a little perturbed that Loki used a spell on you, but realized you needed to calm down and he was probably right about it. You just wished he would have asked for your consent first. You made your way around the bedroom getting ready before the alarm went off and you saw both Alpine and Aurora jump and hiss at the sudden noise waking them up from their very deep sleep.
"Alright you two, it's okay" you comforted them and headed to the closet to get changed. You put on a pair of ripped up jeans, and an old yellow t-shirt. Both had been great finds at a thrift store a few years ago that were very comfortable. You put on your red converse sneakers and grabbed both cats before running down the stairs to the breakfast table where Thor, Loki, Pepper, Happy, Bruce, and Tony were already seated.
"Good morning Kitten, I trust you slept well" Loki gave a smile.
"A little too well, if you don't mind me saying" you gave him a level look.
"I'm impressed. You were so upset last night, I didn't think you would sleep at all" Pepper looked at you surprised.
"Loki helped a little bit. He has some amazing tea" you forced a smile and heard him chuckle slightly. You whipped your head in Tony's direction and hesitated before asking. "Have you heard from the team?"
"Nothing yet, but I checked their suits, everyone is fine. The jets have been on the move since last night" Tony assured you. "They are at base four as of this morning, and it looks like they are already moving in"
"Don't they need to make sure it's not too busy first?" you asked, feeling your heart in your throat again.
"They know how to do their job, just like you do. Speaking of, your computer is scrubbed, and you have full access again. I don't want you opening emails from unknown sources" he shook his head. "That's a rookie move"
"There was nothing in them, how was I supposed to know it was spyware?" you rolled your eyes.
"Common sense" Tony shrugged. "It was a rookie move and you know it"
"I know" you sighed, giving in slightly. "I'll make sure to connect my VPN first today" you flushed a bit.
"That's not like you to forget something so important." Bruce looked at you worriedly.
"I was upset last night and forgot. I thought the team was in trouble because of my data, and blew things out of proportion a little bit" you looked at him.
"Don't forget Loki, you are in charge of making sure nothing happens to the girls while they are out tonight" Tony looked at him expectantly. "Y/N vouched for you"
"I'll protect them with my life" Loki promised. "I'll treat it as a mission"
"You're allowed to have fun" you spoke up, and Tony just glared in your direction. "It's his first time out besides missions" you pointed out quickly.
"It's a mission" Tony shook his head. "Happy is driving you, and going as extra security"
"Loki, this may be your first step towards freedom. Congratulations brother" Thor boomed with a smile.
"I expect it to be a long road" Loki sighed softly. "But it's something at the very least" he looked at you with a small smile.

You had to log in and turn on the VPN immediately as soon as you were in your systems. You were working in the main lab today, and had Aurora and Alpine sleeping on your desk already. You worked tirelessly through the data and started setting up some smaller missions for the next week, and making alterations to the missions you had already set in place. You broke for lunch, but did so almost unwillingly. You still hadn't heard from Bucky, Sam, Natasha, or Steve. It was bugging you that you didn't know if they were okay or not. Tony noticed you were distracted and put both teams' trackers up on the main screens beside you so you could see everyone was still okay, and you knew exactly where they were. Wanda's team was on their way home, and you nodded softly to yourself. You saw that Sam's team was now at the fifth base and it took everything that you had not to go in and hack the camera's again.
Towards the end of your day, after double checking your data and checking every detail you had, you sent Tony your findings and your recommendations as usual. You wanted to keep working but Pepper had already come in three times to warn you that you weren't working late.

When you got to the supper table you saw an attractive lady sitting beside Thor and knew immediately it was Loki. She looked up and gave you a wink. She was in an emerald green dress that was really fitting on her and you gave a smile. During the meal Tony told you with his no nonsense tone that you were not to work over the weekend, until they knew for sure that all the systems had been deep cleaned since there was a possibility that whoever was tracking your computer may have gotten into your work computer as well. The thought worried you, and you started stress eating while you were at the table.
"Tony, I always work on the weekend" you finally looked at him at the end of the meal.
"You shouldn't be, you give the team weekends off, you deserve them too" Tony shook his head. "Going forward you can work the same hours as Bruce and I, but no more overtime unless something changes. You've saved more than enough money for what you've been working towards. Consider it a semi vacation on the weekends" Tony gave a smile, but you grumbled a little bit. You like what you do, and you are good at it. You liked to go over the additional data over the weekend to make sure that your plans for the teams were still going to hold up as easily as possible.
"Worry not, kitten. We will keep you plenty busy still" Loki gave a smile.
"I still haven't heard back from Sam's team" you growled, taking a sip of water.
"You mean Bucky" Loki chuckled. "Your feelings aren't that secret darling" she added with a wink.
"He's become a valued friend" you flushed a deep red and they all just chuckled or giggled at you.
"Alright Sunshine, how about after you get back from dress shopping I'll let you know how they are doing. I'll see where they are at with their mission and text Nat" Bruce looked at you seriously.
"Thank you" you gave a smile, and went back to finishing your water.
"Are you getting changed before we go?" Pepper asked expectantly. She was wearing a pair of black dress pants and a white blouse.
"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" you looked down and pouted slightly. "We are just going to the thrift store"
"Wrong" Pepper shook her head. "It's my day, and I choose" she looked at you daring you to try to change her mind.
"That's where I get most of my clothes" you pouted a bit. "Every time I go with you girls, I always spend too much money"
"I just found out I haven't been paying you for working on weekends, you have a lump sum payment coming to your bank account next week based on the raise I just gave you. You can splurge a little" Tony gave a smirk.
"Thrift stores have the best stuff" you pouted a bit, but Pepper came over and pulled on your hand.
"Did you at least buy the necklace and earrings?" Bruce asked gently.
"No, they were too pretty to haggle on" you shook your head, and followed Pepper silently with Loki behind you both.
"Wait up" Happy got up from the table in a rush.

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