Movie night

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Supper turned out to be pizza, with a few missing people. Peter and Pietro had gone to visit with Aunt May, and Happy went to drive them. Everyone knew he was doing more than just driving them. Clint had gone to visit his family. Vision and Wanda had gone for a picnic, while Nat and Bruce went away for the rest of the weekend.
"You two are so cute, I loved the pictures today" Pepper cooed across the table at you.
"I was pretty happy about the zoo," you admitted.
"Can you try to wear a hat next time, Manchurian candidate? I already had to deal with our public relations manager today" Tony bristled a little bit.
"I'm sorry, Tony" you looked over. "They usually don't wear hats on Sunday's either"
"You'll be in the public eye for a while, now that there's a photo of you two getting cozy in a café" Tony sighed. "You are supposed to be safe from all of this"
"She's still safe with me, Tony" Bucky frowned slightly. "I'd never let anything happen to her"
"That's not a lie" Loki nodded and looked at Tony.
"Just, be more mindful. Both of you" Tony gave a sigh. "Before you do it, Sunshine, I already checked on Friday. There's been no change. We are moving ahead on schedule" he updated you quickly.
"I forgot to look," you admitted. "I was having too much fun, I guess"
"We should keep the ball rolling" Steve smiled victoriously. "I'll make the popcorn as soon as this is over.
"What adventures do you plan on doing this evening?" Thor asked curiously.
"Watching a movie in my suite" Bucky mumbled slightly, and realizing he didn't want to seem impolite. "Did you want to join us?"
"No, I'd rather not this evening. I have plans to go for a walk around the compound and be one with nature" Thor shook his head.
"We are planning a night in as well" Pepper placed her hand on Tony's. "No more working for the rest of the weekend, until you all have to leave for the mission"
"I would rather the three of you went to one of my mansions until we get back" Tony grumbled.
"We all know the security codes in case something happens. Stop worrying so much. Happy and I will barely be home as it is, I have meetings all week. I can't drive that far for my meetings" Pepper softly reminded him.
"I just have a bad feeling about next week" Sam sighed, setting his slice of pizza down.
"Everything is going to be fine, you're making me anxious" you frowned slightly, feeling a pull at your gut. You had been confident, but it was slowly dwindling down as everyone was so outspoken about their worry for you.
"You've made a lot of people angry" Sam reminded you.
"With good reason" you argued slightly.
"I didn't say it wasn't," he shrugged and went back to concentrating on his pizza.
"I'm leaving some of the Iron Legion here, just in case" Tony announced suddenly. "I'll make sure they are activated by the security protocols. That way I know the three of you are safe"
"Since when am I part of this party?" you gave a curious look.
"You're family, shut up" Tony gave you a level gaze. "I've been trying to get you over to the compound, very subtly for over six months now"
"Clearly, I had no idea until you asked straight out" you giggled and finished with your pizza.
"You done, cuddle bug?" Sam asked expectantly.
"I'm all done" you nodded, and he grabbed your plate and brought it into the kitchen along with his own.
"I believe it's my turn to cuddle the cuddle bug this evening" Loki teased, looking pointedly at Bucky who audibly groaned and frowned.
"But..." you blushed, wanting to protest.
"My suite, my rules. It's my turn" Bucky spoke up quickly.
"Oh, very well" Loki smirked and took a sip of water.
"You've had her all day" Sam grinned, knowing he was joining in on the gentle teasing.
"I plan to keep it that way, bird brain" Bucky gave a half smile, seeming confident in himself.
"I'll go get started on the popcorn" Steve announced, standing up.
"I'll help bring it up" Sam joined him, and they both went into the kitchen.
"Thank you for supper" you stood up and smiled at Tony.
"Go enjoy your movie" Tony nodded while Pepper waved.

Bucky followed you upstairs, and was quick to put his hand in the small of your back and led you past your suite to go to his.
"Bucky, I was going to change into something more comfortable" you pouted slightly.
"Alright, but come to my suite right after?" he asked with a hopeful smile.
"Deal" you got up on your tiptoes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He turned his face before you moved fully away and leaned in to kiss you softly on the lips. You smiled softly and hurried back to your suite and went to your closet, choosing a pair of black yoga pants, and your falcon t-shirt with a sports bra. You giggled softly as you kicked off your socks and put them in the laundry hamper before making your way to Bucky's suite.
When you knocked, he quickly opened the door in his black sweatpants, and a black t-shirt. He saw your t-shirt and gave a soft chuckle. He pulled on your hand and wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Hey" he whispered.
"Hey, yourself" you whispered back. Your gaze left his and took in his room with the slate gray walls, and his dark blue couch, loveseat, and chair. The coffee table was a dark walnut, the same as yours, and the same dark wood flooring. You saw he had a tv stand, with a few pictures on it in silver frames and looked at them curiously. They were old pictures, and there was one of him with pre-serum Steve and one of them in the Howling Commandos. There was also a picture, of two women standing side by side and you assumed it was his mother and sister. You saw the tv was mounted up on the wall, and it was fairly large, in fact the room was larger than yours.
"It's not much, but it's mine" he brought your attention back to him with a soft smirk. "I have the same set up as you, bathroom to the right, bedroom to the left" he pointed and you gave a soft nod.
"It's really nice in here" you gave a full smile as he rubbed his hands up and down your back. His gaze went from your eyes to your lips as his hands fell on your hips and he pulled you in closer.
"I like having you in here" he whispered, dipping his head towards yours. You wound your arms around his neck, and gently applied pressure to bring him in faster. He didn't need much more prompting, and his lips began to caress yours softly in a promising kiss. You both heard a soft knock at the door and pulled away from one another. "Love seat" he prompted you, and you nodded and walked towards the loveseat while he opened the door again. Loki stood there waiting expectantly. "Come on in" Bucky stood back and Loki walked in.
"I'd leave the door open, Steve and Sam are on their way up the stairs" Loki went and took the single seat and got comfortable. You curled up on the loveseat, looking forward to Bucky joining you. He hurried over, leaving the door open, and sat beside you while putting his arm up behind you automatically and pulling you into his side so he could drape his arm around you easier. He grabbed the converter and set up the movie to start playing and gave you a wink.
"Is this one of your favorites?" Bucky arched an eyebrow.
"It's pretty good. You need to watch it" you nuzzled your head into his chest more. "It's a movie based on a comic book, where the character is fully aware he's in a movie from a comic book" you giggled. "There's a lot of sexual innuendo's and jokes" you added with a slight flush on your cheeks.
"I can't wait" he chuckled good naturedly. Steve and Sam came into the room shortly after and handed Bucky a large bowl of popcorn, and a smaller bowl to Loki before they sat on the couch and Bucky put on the movie. You saw that they put butter and salt on the popcorn and quickly took a few bites. The five of you watched the movie with rapt attention, laughing when it was appropriate. Even Loki gave a few chuckles during the movie. You noticed they all seemed to relax quite a bit, and you felt proud of your decision. Steve and Sam suggested a documentary afterwards, and you nuzzled into Bucky while he chose a documentary on space. It was a fairly long one, but it interested everyone. Loki chuckled at a few things, making comments about "Midgardians", however continued to watch good naturedly. You could hear the loud purr of Aurora and Alpine from behind you, on the back of the couch, and it was starting to lull you to sleep. You slowly closed your eyes, nuzzling in as much as you could under Bucky's arm, promising yourself it would only be for a few minutes and slowly fell asleep.

"It looks like Kitten is worn out from her adventure today" Loki remarked as the show finally ended.
"She became a dead weight about half an hour ago" Bucky looked up with a proud smile. He turned on another documentary to keep the noise in the room, trying to make sure not to wake you up with the sudden silence.
"Did you want me to take her?" Sam offered, standing up and coming over about to scoop you up off of the couch.
"No, just let her sleep for a little bit" Bucky shook his head. "I don't sleep that much anyways, she can stay"
"Are we still getting an early start tomorrow for the farmer's market?" Steve asked curiously.
"Yeah, we all will need a nap before we head out after supper" Sam nodded, taking a step back.
"We can sleep on the jet" Loki reminded them. "There should be plenty of time before we land, and have to begin our assault on the Hydra facility"
"That's true, I was reviewing the mission docket again and we have a few good hours before we land and have to prepare our assault" Steve nodded in agreement.
"Let me go get her a blanket" Sam offered and Bucky gave a slight nod before Sam disappeared into his bedroom and came back out with a dark blue fluffy blanket and he draped it across you. Bucky helped tuck you in, and pulled you in a little closer. You let out a soft moan in your sleep and gave a sigh.
"We should probably head out," Sam decided.
"Thank you, I had fun tonight" Loki stood up to his full height.
"Thanks for having us over Buck" Steve grabbed the empty bowls of popcorn, and the three of them headed out of the suite. Bucky brushed your hair out of your face adoringly, and shifted a little so he was more comfortable before tilting his head back for a moment and taking a breath before closing his eyes.  

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