Doctor Cho

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When Sam and Bucky finally made it out of the building, you looked around and saw bodies lying everywhere with tranquilizer darts sticking out of them. Half the building had been smashed, and it looked like Hulk was in the middle of finishing his task. You saw other buildings that Scott was stepping on and destroying in his large form. You shuddered slightly and groaned in pain again.
"We've got the package" Rhody flew down and landed beside where Bucky paused for a moment. "Let me take her," he held his arms expectantly.
"I... I don't want to let her go yet" Bucky shook his head.
"I'm just taking her over to the helicopter. Fury had one brought in especially for her. It's taking her right back to the compound where Doctor Cho is waiting. We still have our jobs to do" Rhody reminded him.
"Be careful with her" Sam put a hand on Bucky's shoulder, and Bucky hesitated for a moment before handing you over with worry on his face. Rhody didn't miss a beat, but flew to the helicopter and three agents reached out for you, putting your neck in a brace and laying you out on a flat slab and tying you in. You groaned in pain, causing Rhody to flinch looking at you in so much pain. You cried out when they tried to put a thin blanket over you and he had to look away.
"Listen, they are taking you to the compound. You're going home. You're going to be fine" Rhody promised.
"NO!" you cried out in worry. "They'll come for me there" you shook your head in panic.
"The entire Iron legion is stationed there, as well as a whole lot of Shield agents. Fury is waiting for you there. You're going to be fine" Rhody tried to calm you down but he could see it in your face, you weren't hearing his words. You could only feel the pain, and the anxiety of more pain coming. "You've got to go," he added softly and stepped away. You screamed out in blind panic as the helicopter took off into the skies. You felt a needle go into your arm and the world quickly went black again.

Tony and the rest of the team finished taking down the base in record timing. They had a reason to hurry. They finally had you back, and they wanted to rush home to see how you were coming along with Doctor Cho. Natasha had long since given Bruce his lullaby and he now was in the jet listening to his classical music, trying to calm himself. He had seen you, and you looked worse than he even could have imagined. A majority of the team had caught a glimpse of you, and were worried sick about you. Steve had managed to capture Brock Rumlow with the help of Loki and Thor. He wasn't easy to take down, but they were sending him straight to the raft. Somewhere he should have been a long time ago. Bucky had blood on his arms and torso, but it wasn't from Hydra's soldiers, but it was yours. That told enough of a story to the rest of the team that hadn't seen you. Shield had brought two jets and were finishing up bringing the last of the prisoners back for processing to go to the raft.
"Are you okay?" Nat asked Bruce, coming into the jet. He was looking at some of the data she had procured and he had discovered you were being experimented on. He still had his classical music playing and he was under a weighted blanket trying to keep his mind from going to dark places again.
"She was experimented on because she wouldn't give them any information, or their money back" Bruce whispered as Bucky, Steve, Loki, and Sam walked in.
"They tried pretty hard to get information out of her" Sam bit at his bottom lip worriedly. "At least by the looks of it"
"She's strong" Nat said, like it was common knowledge.
"She has a warrior's heart" Loki gave a soft smile. "My brother is right"
"Alright, looks like we made our point" Clint came in with a proud smile. "The rest of the base is set to blow up in ten minutes. We shouldn't be here when that happens. I threw in a few extra chargers just in case they didn't understand the first time"
The rest of the team quickly filtered in, and Clint started up the jet. Shields' last jet took off and Clint waited for them to get airborne before he closed up the back hatch. Loki looked to Sam and Bucky worriedly, seeing through their mind what state you were in.
"She's stronger than you think" Loki murmured.
"I got communication from Fury. The helicopter landed and she's in surgery" Tony looked up from his phone. "They had to put her under to fly her there," he frowned.
"She's not going to be okay for a while," Sam shook his head. "She was a mess when we found her. Chained up like some kind of animal"
"We will be there for her," Tony reassured him. "I'll take it you and the Manchurian Candidate will be in her room when she wakes up?" he asked expectantly.
"Include me on the list" Loki spoke up. "She was my mission"
"She still is, she's going to want to go out again at some point, you are still her bodyguard" Tony hid a smile, while Loki seemed to sit up a little straighter at that.
"I just want to see her for myself" Scott looked down at the jet floors before they heard a large blast. Clint looked out the window with a huge smile on his face as a second and third blast went off.
"Yeah, they'll think twice before touching her again," he grinned proudly.
"She looked so scared" Bucky finally whispered to Sam and Steve who both nodded in acknowledgment.

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