Crepe's and kisses

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Bucky stopped at a small café he had looked up yesterday that served crepe's and had different specialty coffees available. You looked at the café curiously as you got off the Harley and he gave you a prideful look.
"What's this?" you asked curiously.
"A café that makes those crepes you love so much" he grinned, putting both your helmets on the handlebars, and then his hand went to the small of your back as you both walked towards the small café.
"Can it be my treat this time?" you asked timidly as he opened the door for you to walk through.
"Let me take care of my dame" he shook his head, following you in. "What do you want to drink?" he asked softly as you looked at the menu. You saw one of your favorite drinks and told him as much and he nodded to himself. "Grab a seat, I'll be right back" he instructed and went to the counter to order. You found a nice quiet seat in the corner and sat down. Your feet were hurting slightly from all the walking so far today, but you were excited that you got to go to the zoo. He seemed to know you well. You started going through your pictures, even posting a few of Bucky that you had taken while you were at the zoo. One in particular you were proud of was him timidly petting one of the deer. You made your account private on Instagram and posted the pictures of Bucky. A large majority of the team were already following you by now anyways. The rest of the pictures you had posted as you had gone during the day. You were still in shock that Bucky asked you to be his girl. You were excited at what that would entail, and it was a step in the right direction with him. You couldn't say you were single anymore. You looked over and saw the barista was clearly checking out Bucky, but he was looking back at you with an adoring smile on his face. It was like you were his sole focus, and you loved that about him. The barista finally got his attention and he just gave them a soft nod, and looked away again. He went to wait for the order to the side, and you could feel his eyes trailing over your entire frame. You thought about the kiss you shared earlier, and clenched your thighs together. You saw Bucky grab the order and come over. He paused as he got close to you and his face broke out into a grin, and you knew your secret was out.
"What are you thinking about, sugar?" he sat across from you and you blushed not wanting to lie.
"The kiss from earlier, that you used to help get rid of my anxiety attack" you continued to blush.
"Did you need a repeat performance?" he wiggled his eyebrows at you, and you gave a small giggle.
"We are in a café," you reminded him. "You will be lucky if the paparazzi doesn't catch wind of this"
"I don't care about them. I care about you, and I'm pretty sure you are up for another repeat performance" he winked.
"Maybe..." you trailed off, not wanting to say no. The man did have strong lips, and knew exactly how to kiss you. He placed your crepe in front of you, and your drink and sat back in his chair proudly, waiting for you to take your first bite. You hesitated for a moment, feeling a little awkward that he was watching you so closely. You took a knife and fork and timidly took a bite and he gave his flirty smile before sitting forward and starting to dig in on his own crepe. You both ate in silence, just appreciating the atmosphere. The café was nice with bright paintings on the walls, and comfortable chairs for everyone to sit in. Everything was a little mismatched, but it added to the small room. You quickly finished your crepe, and wiped your face before taking a sip of your drink. Bucky finished his as well, and took the plates and cutlery and brought them back to the counter to save them some leg work. He came back and sat across from you, taking a drink of his coffee.
"This was really nice, thank you" you gave a wan smile.
"I'm glad you liked it. It's not the food truck, but I thought it would be nice to find somewhere to go in and sit down" he explained quickly.
"You chose really well" you beamed at him.
"I was thinking, maybe do you want to come to my suite when we get back? We can watch a movie or two tonight" he said a little hopefully.
"I'd love to. What kind of movie are we watching?" you raised an eyebrow.
"Anything you want, sugar" he leaned forward on the table, gazing into your eyes and giving his flirtatious half smile. You were rendered speechless, the things he did to you were not exactly a secret. He knew how to work you like a fiddle, and you had only been on three dates so far, if you didn't include the cuddles. Your cheeks flamed up and he chuckled slightly as you put your elbow on the table and rested your face in your hand as you gazed at him adoringly. "Can I kiss you again yet?" he leaned forward whispering to you.
"You can kiss me anytime, I told you it's an open invitation" you blushed slightly, leaning forward. He reached out one hand and caressed your cheek before he stood up slightly, leaning across the table and brushing his lips against your own. You both heard a camera click from a phone and he paused for a moment, lingering at your lips before he sighed heavily and pulled back and sat back down. He looked pointedly at the cashier that had their phone out still.
"Can you at least send me the photo before you go posting it?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

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