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You had gotten up after an hour and Bucky was asleep and took off your makeup and went to pee quickly. Once you were done cleaning up, you came back out and he was sitting up in the bed and grinned at you, and you knew he was ready to go again. You gave a soft giggle and skipped to the bed and jumped onto him. He pulled you in for another hungry kiss and flipped you back onto your back before he made love to you again.
When you woke up in the morning you could feel Bucky was holding you from behind, firmly to his body in an almost possessive manner. You had to pull the blanket away from your face to get a gasp of air. You looked over at the stuffed plushies on the bed laying forgotten and nearly unused since you started sleeping with Bucky. You wondered if you should pack them away, since he gave you plenty of cuddles. The only ones using them lately were Alpine and Aurora who used them as a sleeping pillow at night. You saw a pair of blue eyes blinking at you, and you reached over to pet Alpine who was watching you sleepily.
"Go back to sleep, doll" Bucky whispered from behind you.
"Too late, I'm awake" you giggled.
"I told ya, I could make you a morning person" he chuckled to himself.
"You do bring out the best in me" you whispered.
"Are you sore?" he asked after a brief hesitation.
"A little bit, but it's a good sore" you thought about it for a moment before answering. "I'm surprised you are awake, you went five times"
"I could have kept going" he sounded like he was bragging and you giggled softly. You turned in his arms and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.
"Super soldier indeed" you pulled away and reached up to toy a little with his hair. He closed his eyes and moaned happily as you pulled slightly.
"Keep doing that, and I'm going to keep you in bed" he warned you and you giggled.
"You promised me an anniversary date, good sir" you said in a singsong voice.
"Are you ready to see your cabin?" he stilled and he opened his eyes, his steel blue eyes gazing into your own.
"More than ready" you broke out into a grand smile. "I can't wait to see it" you leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the tip of the nose. He chuckled and leaned in to peck you on the lips.
"Go take your shower first, if I join you we will be late for breakfast" he gave your ass a playful spank and you giggled, wriggling out of bed and rushing to the bathroom to take your shower.
You were quick to turn on the water and hop in. You washed your hair first and were in the middle of lathering up with soap when the door opened and Bucky strode in, in just his boxer briefs. He had a plum in his hand that was half eaten, and you looked at him in surprise through the glass door and he just winked at you and went to the bathroom sink to sit up on the counter and watched you curiously as you finished washing up. He just casually ate his plum and watched you get cleaned up. You turned off the water and he jumped off of the counter and put the plum pit in the garbage before coming over and grabbing your two towels and held them out for you before you even had a chance to open the door. You gave him a smile and a soft thank you, taking them and you wrapped your hair, and dried off as quickly as you could. He kicked off his boxer briefs and got into the shower the moment you were out.
"Where are you going, sugar?" Bucky called to you as you reached for the doorknob to go back to the bedroom.
"Let you take a shower, and get dressed?" you half asked, half told him.
"Don't you have to do your makeup?" he asked quickly.
"Well, I can do that after you are done with your shower" you rolled your eyes.
"Why don't you stay?" he asked, pausing while putting shampoo in his hair.
"Do you want me to stay?" you asked curiously.
"Yes," he answered without hesitation.
"Okay, why?" you asked, a little surprised.
"I'll be lonely without you" he said softly, and you took your hand off of the door knob.
"I'll stay with you" you promised, and cleaned off a portion of the mirror and started on your makeup.

"You look so cute!" Wanda cooed as you and Bucky walked hand in hand into the dining room. He was wearing a light blue button up with black jeans, to match your light blue knee length dress you had decided on regardless of the weather outside. She quickly took out her phone and snapped a picture.
"Why did you take a picture?" you giggled as Bucky pulled out your chair and you sat down.
"Sam asked for pictures of you before your date" she said as she sent off a text message with flourish.
"Why didn't he just ask me?" you asked as Bucky quickly sat down beside you.
"It's more fun this way" she giggled in response.
"I'm headed out to your cabin on Monday, so I won't be in the office" Tony advised you as he started taking some food before passing it around.
"You are?" you asked in surprise. "Without me?"
"I'm installing the security software, and yes, without you. I talked to your contractor and told them you okayed it" he passed the platter to Pepper.
"Tony, I would have preferred going with you" you frowned slightly.
"Just think, you get your own choice of music in the lab for the day" he smirked and Bruce chuckled in response. "Besides, I told you I wanted to be there the first time you saw it"
"Tony, it's not even done yet" you rolled your eyes as Pepper passed the platter to Bucky.
"Precisely. That way when you are ready for your weekends away, it will be ready" he shrugged as though he didn't do anything wrong. You sighed, thinking he was being sweet, but also pushing his boundaries again. You decided against saying something since you knew he was just worried. Bucky filled his plate and then started filling yours before he passed the platter down to Natasha sitting beside you. She chuckled seeing you look at your plateful in surprise.
"Bucky" you whispered to him, slightly admonishing him.
"Eat it" he said in a soft order and Steve shook his head from where he was sitting across from Bucky at the table.
"He still believes you need to gain more weight, kitten" Loki smirked from where he was seated and you rolled your eyes in response. He tutted slightly, but went back to focusing on the food on his plate.
"Natalia, can you watch the cats for us today?" Bucky asked, looking across you to her.
"Sure, I can handle the fur babies. What time are you coming back?" Nat asked quickly.
"Late" was all he said in response, and she shrugged, taking it in stride.
"Don't forget to update your Instagram" Wanda reminded you. "We all want to see your little cabin"
"I was going to wait until it's done to take pictures, but I guess I can," you nodded your head, thinking about it closely.
"Are you taking any weapons with you, Bucky?" Thor asked, seeming to be worried.
"I've got my knives, but I was going to grab one of the guns from the artillery room before we left," Bucky nodded.
"Good" Thor seemed to approve.
"Don't forget if there's anything fishy, to come straight home" Tony looked at him pointedly.
"I'm not risking my dame," Bucky shook his head.
"It's going to be fine" you said, although you felt a small surge of insecurity fill you and the lights flickered.
"You can't mask your feelings that well still, sunshine" Bruce reminded you.
"Unfortunately" you huffed.
You were almost done with your meal when you heard the doorbell ring and Bucky got up quickly. You saw his plate was empty, so you figured he was answering it so everyone else could finish eating. While you were waiting for him to come back, you finished, and brought both sets of dishes into the kitchen. When you came back out, Bucky was at your seat with a dark blue vase full of at least two dozen roses and he grinned at you.
"For you doll" he grinned happily.
"Bucky, you shouldn't have!" you went over and took in their scent before you wrapped your arms around him. You gave him an energetic kiss on the lips and he chuckled.
"Our food is here for the day too" he pulled back and pointed out the thermal bag on his chair. "Now it's all on you" he added, wiggling his eyebrows. "Unless you are willing to let me drive?" he asked a little hopefully.
"You can drive" you kissed him softly on the lips again for good measure. He hummed into the kiss and pulled back.
"Stevie?" Bucky looked at Steve.
"I'll be waiting by the phone if you need me" he promised.
"Not everything is going to end up in a fight" you sighed.
"Just let me worry about you" Bucky held you close for a moment. "I'm going to go get my gun and holster" he pulled back and hurried away.
"I'll bring your roses upstairs" Vision offered, come over and taking the large vase. "Is your coffee table suffice?" he asked quickly.
"Yes, please and thank you Vision" you nodded and he gave a kind smile before taking the overflowing vase. You went to grab the food bag, but Steve came around the table and took it quickly.
"I'll walk you out to the car since Bucky is busy" Steve told you kindly.
"Thank you Stevie" you grabbed your purse and he started to lead you down the hallway. When you got to the door, he opened it quickly and had you go through the door first. Bucky came rushing outside as you got to the car, and Steve opened your door for you. You saw Bucky had his holster on his waist and his gun secured in.
"Thank you Stevie, I'll text you updates" Bucky clapped his best friend on the shoulder.
"I'll be waiting" Steve shut your door once you were in and he waved to you as Bucky jumped in the driver's seat. You passed him the keys and he quickly put them in the ignition, grinning victoriously to himself. He waved at Steve, and you input the address in the GPS. Bucky waited for you to have your seatbelt on, and put his on as well before he started the car and started driving to your cabin.

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