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You sat and watched as Shield agents came and took the Hydra agent bodies and prisoners away from your viewpoint in front of the computer. You had calmed down quite a bit in the last eight hours since the attack started. Now you were just waiting on Tony to come back and give the all clear to let you out of the panic room. You had eaten almost all of the granola bars, and drank half your water supply in that short span of time. Though there hadn't been much to start with in the first place, and that was something you were going to take up with Tony whenever he got back.
You looked at the camera and saw that Loki was still standing like a sentry outside your door, holding his scepter to his side and watching all the exits regardless that the danger had passed. You wished there was an intercom or something just so you wouldn't feel so lonely in the panic room, but you didn't have that luxury, at least not yet. You thought about calling, but you didn't want to be too much of a bother. You saw that Alpine and Aurora had made themselves very comfortable on the bed, and you were half tempted to go join them. Instead you pivoted your body so you were more comfortable on the computer chair and watched.
Bucky came into the office once Shield was gone, and you could see both him and Loki were talking. Bucky came straight to the door and sat down, leaning his back against it as he looked up at the camera and he gave a small wave in acknowledgment of you hopefully looking at the monitor. You waved back, even though he couldn't see you. He took out his phone and a moment later your cell phone was ringing.
"Hello?" you answered his call right away.
"How are you doing, gorgeous?" Bucky's voice came through right away. You put him on speaker and smiled in spite of yourself.
"Are you guys all okay?" you asked immediately. "I've been so worried!"
"We are all okay, doll" he assured you.
"I saw the blood already," you warned him.
"And they are not okay in comparison" he chuckled and you heard Loki chuckle as well.
"Was anyone hurt?" you asked worriedly.
"No one else was here besides us. Everyone is safe and sound and barely has a scratch" Bucky assured you. "Do you have enough to eat or drink in there?" he asked.
"I ate all my granola bars," you pouted. "I'm halfway through the water," you added.
"I'll make sure Tony knows to have the room fully stocked going forwards" he said as Loki finally gave in and came to sit down beside him. Bucky reached into Bruce's desk fridge and took out a couple of energy drinks and handed one to Loki and he opened one for himself. They both took a long drink and tilted their heads back against the door again.
"And you darling? What mischief did you do today?" Loki asked and you flushed realizing he knew you too well.
"I scrambled my signal to eight different countries and pulled all the fire alarms at bases that Shield wasn't targeting today to make them nervous" you said with a smirk.
"I'm not sure if Tony is going to be mad or proud, but knowing him it's going to be mostly impressed with your quick thinking," Loki chuckled.
"Well, Fury is probably going to be mad," Bucky added and they both chuckled together.
"How are the cats, kitten?" Loki asked.
"They are sleeping on the bed" you looked into the bedroom and saw they were still asleep.
"Why don't you go join them, doll?" Bucky suggested.
"No, I don't want to yet. I want out" you got up from the desk and went to sit against the door with your back against it as well. You wanted to feel closer to them, and you put the phone in front of you. You didn't feel comfortable enough, so you went to the bedroom and grabbed the two pillows and came back. You laid down on your side with your back against the door and groaned.
"What's going on, doll?" Bucky asked you.
"I can't get comfortable on the floor" you pouted.
"You shouldn't be on the floor" he sassed you.
"You are" you replied quickly.
"I'm not pregnant. Go lay on the bed" he urged you.
"But you aren't there" you said softly and you could almost hear him smiling.
"Tell you what. I'll hold you the rest of the night if you need me to, but for now, go lay on the bed. Don't turn off your phone, we will keep talking to you here" he said with a smile in his voice.
"We aren't having Thanksgiving dinner, are we?" you said softly.
"Tony was having it catered to us, it will be here in a few hours. Nice and hot for the whole team" Loki promised.
"Family" you corrected.
"How dare I. Yes, family" he agreed.
"Go lay on the bed doll, it's probably going to be a bit longer" Bucky said softly. You hummed to yourself and decided to listen. You grabbed your two pillows, cell phone and bottle of water and made your way to the bedroom. You set down your phone and went back to the living room to log out of the three computers before going back to lay down. Loki was humming his Asgardian lullabye for you, and you smiled as you curled up with the two cats and just listened. Loki would stop once in a while to banter back and forth with Bucky. Eventually Steve came in, followed by the rest of the team. They talked softly amongst themselves, and you felt blessed because even though you were locked in a room, you felt less alone.

When Tony and the rest of the team got back the first thing they did was make their way to the lab. They explained that they stopped any prisoners from escaping and it had been a long day. Tony called the protocols to open the panic room, and Bucky ran in and scooped you up quickly off the bed and kissed you hard on the lips. You had been half asleep, so you just cuddled more into him as you enjoyed the kiss. Both Alpine and Aurora dashed out quickly to go get something to eat, since you had made sure they had something to drink while you were in there.
"Glad to see you're okay," Tony came in while Bucky was still holding you close to his chest. "Looks like you made it in here in time" he commented. "I saw you logged in and pulled the fire alarm on most bases. Smart move, it kept them distracted. They didn't know where we were hitting them" he smirked.
"Fury might be mad" you pointed out.
"He's always mad. The table has been set, and both Pepper and Happy are on their way home now that it's safe" Tony shrugged. "Are you hungry?" he asked, looking at the garbage can full of empty wrappers.
"Starving" you nodded.
"Come on Manchurian Candidate, bring your fiancee," Tony snapped his fingers. He stopped beside Loki and patted him on the shoulder. "Great work, I'm proud of you" he said as he walked past him. Loki looked surprised. "And yes, you still have freedom to leave the compound" he added as he walked away.
"We need a new lab again" Bruce chuckled as Bucky carried you like a princess through the trashed remains of the lab. You looked around a little sleepily and saw everyone was still in their gear.
"You guys need to go take a shower. All of you" you sassed them.
"I'll stay until you get back" Loki whispered to Bucky when he set you down on your feet as you got close to the kitchen.
"No, Jack is coming" you shook your head. "I'm safe," you added. "I'm raiding the fridge for now" you slipped away and went directly into the kitchen. Loki and Bucky looked at one another confused and watched as you pulled out a jar of pickles, opened it and you took a sip of pickle juice before fishing out a large spear with your fingers.
"Baby, at least come upstairs" Bucky looked a little exasperated.
"Do I still have snacks?" you asked curiously.
"Yes, doll," he nodded. You pulled out a few more pickles and put the jar back in the fridge before leading them both towards the stairs as you crunched on your pickles. They had the most satisfying crunch, and the brine was perfect. Both men followed you closely as you climbed up the stairs and as you got to the top of the stairs Sam's door opened quickly and he stood there with his arms crossed. You crunched down on a pickle and stood to face him and you both stared each other down. He finally broke out into a smile and opened his door.
"Get in here, Cuddle bug" Sam waved you in. "I have snacks," he added and you blew both Bucky and Loki a kiss and walked into Sam's room.
"Just like that?" Loki asked as Sam closed the door.
"Just like that" Bucky chuckled as the two of them continued down the hallway towards their respective suites. "Sam won her over first," he reminded Loki.
"Yes, but..." Loki seemed at a loss.
"I know," Bucky nodded, answering his unasked question. "Don't forget to dress up for Jack" Bucky said as they got to his suite.
"Don't forget to dress up for your fiancee. She will need to come to the room to change as well" Loki pointed out.
"I know what she was planning on wearing. I'll bring it all over to Sam's place with a bit of her makeup. She will be happy as long as she is snacking" Bucky chuckled. He went into his suite and headed to do just that.
He grabbed your red sweater dress, a pair of black tights, and black undergarments. He then picked up a pair of your favorite black pumps and then made his way to the bathroom to get your travel makeup kit. He brought it to Sam's suite where you and Sam were in an excitable conversation about the battle, and it had fallen on deaf ears that he was even there. He stopped to give you a kiss on top of your head and walked back out to go get ready.
Bucky couldn't help but think of all the blessings he had received this year, and he couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with you and your unborn children. He was excited that his lifelong dreams were coming true. And the best part was? It was all with you and your odd family that everyone created.

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