Chapter 1

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Eveleen's POV

My lungs burned as I gasped for air. The cold water crashed over me, as I dove under the surface again. I was so close. Reaching for his hands, I tugged against the car door, fighting against the growing water pressure. I closed my mouth over his pushing air into his lungs as I said an incantation in my mind. Breathe dammit! Cerulean blue eyes locked with mine.

I bolted upright in the bed, chest burning and my sheets drenched in sweat. I grabbed my pounding head. It was the same dream I'd had for almost two weeks now. Every time I watched the car crash into the water after swerving to avoid the shade that attacked the two passengers. One man was able to get out of the car before it plunged over the edge, but the second man with the crystal blue eyes was trapped. I'd never seen him before, and I had no idea where the crash happened, but it definitely wasn't in Ireland. And each time I awoke before rescuing the man.

Letting out a ragged breath and throwing my blankets off, I stumbled to the shower room. After cleaning up, I let the water run until it became cool. Then fixing myself a cuppa and toast, I settled down to check my emails. My eyes focused on the latest message. It was from a coven in the States. Apparently, they'd noticed a surge in shadow activity including the disappearance of several of their own members. The Council had provided them with my information and they were begging me to help.

Well damn. I hate the States. Then again, I can't just ignore a request when the Council is involved. I guess I can't complain. I'd requested to stay solitary and for the past ten years, they'd allowed it. This was the minor price I paid.

Okay, so where am I going?

Charleston, South Carolina. Well, it looks pretty. At least it will be warm. The last time I was in the States, I was much farther north, near the border. The novelty of snow had worn off after a week. So much white...ugh! And don't get me started on the wind. I felt like a rag doll that had all her stuffing removed. Do you have any idea how much it sucks to battle demons in below-freezing temperatures? I thought for sure my fire spell was going to freeze before I could throw the first casting.

I made my flight arrangements. The coven was providing a small cottage to stay in, so at least that was paid for. Looking around my small flat, I set a few final wards and headed to the airport. South Carolina, here I come.

Author's notes: Welcome to my odd dream that has now developed into a multi-chapter story that is still going strong. I would love any and all feedback you have to offer. Enjoy the read, my lovlies!

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