Chapter 60

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Trigger Warning/Sensitive Content - self-harm, depression, mention of rape

Brandon's POV

It's been two days since we brought her home, and she refuses to leave the guest room. She barely eats, and won't speak. Those who've already bonded with her have haunted looks in their eyes. Sean said the connection is still closed and he's not sure if it's from the stone or her own doing. Gabe sat outside her door for the first 24 hours, begging her to talk to him, with no response.

It's around three in the morning, and I can't sleep. I can hear her through the wall sobbing. Fuck this.

I put my hand on the door. "Firecracker, I have no idea what happened, and I'm not asking you to tell me, but please let me come in." I waited for a response but got none. Time to change my tactic. "I'm still just regular Brandon - no claim, no soul bond. Eveleen, I couldn't pry into your thoughts no matter how much I want to. Let me just be here for you. You can hit me, hug me - anything. Just let me in, please." More silence. I was just about to turn away when I heard the door unlock.

I slowly opened the door, then closed it behind me, flipping the lock. The room was dark, but I could make out her outline on the bed. "I'm going to walk to the bed now, Firecracker, and sit on the end of it. I won't come any closer unless you say it's okay." She didn't move or speak, so I walked forward. When I sat down on the bed, I could see her a bit better from the moonlight. Her face was gaunt and her eyes looked puffy from crying. I don't think she's bathed since we arrived. Her hair hung limply around her face and there were scratches on her arms and neck. Those weren't there when we brought her home, only the mostly healed cuts from the temple.

"May I move closer?" She didn't answer, so I took a chance. I scooted close enough to touch her hand. She flinched when our fingers touched. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again." I didn't reach out but continued to sit close. She stifled a yawn and rubbed her eyes. "Lay down, Firecracker. I'll stay here and keep watch for you." She looked wary, but scooted under the covers and hugged the pillow. After a few moments, I could hear her breathing even out.

I took out my cell phone and sent a group message since I couldn't do the telepathic thing.

Brandon: Sorry if this wakes anyone, but I'm in Eveleen's room. She still isn't talking and flinched when I tried to hold her hand, but she's letting me keep watch while she sleeps.

Sean: How does she look?

Brandon: Not good. She's scratching herself on her arms and neck and hasn't bathed. I don't think she's been sleeping much either by the look of her complexion.

North: Stay with her as long as she will let you. I'll put breakfast outside the door in the morning. I'll keep it light if she hasn't been eating.

Silas: North make sure you add some hot tea with her breakfast. She prefers Lady Grey. It's in the bottom cabinet near the coffee mugs.

Luke: See if she'll let you help her clean with a washcloth. The bathtub may be a trigger for a while.

Brandon: Thanks Luke, I hadn't even thought about that.

Victor: She gets cold easily, see if there are extra blankets in the closet, it might help her sleep better, oh and Gabe says there is some dry shampoo under the sink. It won't replace a real washing, but it might help her feel better.

Marc: I'm coming back in the morning, should I bring anything with me?

Nathan: Pick up some strawberries. Those are her favorites and we ran out.

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