Chapter 89

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North's POV

Apparently, Erebus didn't think we were moving fast enough, or at least that was who we assumed sent those spider demons. I almost wrecked when I saw the first one crash into Raven's car. By the time I skidded the car to a halt, I could hear Queen's screams and I lost all control. I didn't even stop to see if we were being watched or not, I vamped out and started ripping up anything I could get my hands on. Then Raven got out of the car and went all Thor on us. Hell, the only thing missing was a hammer. Luckily, only Corey and Marc had been injured with anything more than a few scrapes, and Sean was able to heal both of them.

We all stumbled into the hotel looking like something out of a horror film. "I think we should all shower before someone calls the authorities on us," Owen commented.

Luke dropped a piece of spider leg out of his hair, shaking it in Gabe's direction, "I have no idea what you're talking about Owen."

"I'll stab you, Luke," Gabe grimaced. "Why the fuck did it have to be spiders - and mutant fuckin spiders at that?" He shook his body all over in disgust as we all chuckled at him. His intense fear and loathing of spiders had been well-known for years.

"If it makes you feel any better, m'anam, they weren't really spiders," Queen said, kissing his cheek. "They're demons who devour souls and squish them all together so that they look like spiders."

We all groaned.

Gabe blanched, "I think I'll just keep calling them spiders, little wolf. They seem much less scary that way." She smirked and shrugged her shoulders before heading off to the shower, grabbing his hand and pulling him with her. He grabbed Victor's hand as they left. That's going to be a fun shower, I thought to myself.

Several of the others had gone to take showers as well, while some of us waited. "So what's the plan? It's pretty obvious that Erebus and Phineas are stepping up their efforts, so how do we keep her safe," I asked, sitting at the table.

"I say we head to the Council as soon as we can get the jet ready," Kota said, pouring a cup of coffee. "It's magically protected, so it will give us a secure location to plan our next move. I've already called Jace and updated him on today's attack."

Axel came into the room, drying his hair with a towel, "I think when we get there, we should try and contact our patrons as well. Maybe they've found something new."

"Raven and I can send our final reports from the plane," Corey added. "We need to get her somewhere safe, and this obviously isn't it. How did he find her?"

Sean tapped his chest. "That damn stone is like a tracker, and she knows it. I think he was hoping to snatch her quickly, but I'm sure he didn't anticipate us to be prepared, let alone Raven getting claimed right then," he chuckled, "Then again, I don't think any of us saw that coming. Victor's the only other one that's been claimed in the middle of a battle before."

Brandon clapped him on the back, "Don't sell yourself short, Sean. If Brigid hadn't shown up for you that night, I'd have been a goner." Corey blanched when he said that. I don't think Brandon had quite explained how close to death he'd been that night. It shook all of us.

"We should order some food and start packing immediately. I'll call about the jet." Owen said, rising from his seat. "Raven, Corey, do you need to return to your apartment? We should go in groups if you do."

"Nyet, it's not worth the risk. We can stop by the safehouse on the way out," Raven said, wrapping his arms around Corey.

"All right brothers, then it's settled. We will head to Dublin immediately." He replied, taking out his phone and walking towards the kitchen. The rest of us headed to our rooms for our turns in the showers. I could hear Queen scream in pleasure as I walked past their door, making me grin as I readjusted my pants. 

Author's Notes:  Lots of spice coming in the next few chapters - if you are not 18+, please do not read - you've been warned!!

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