Chapter 117

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Gabriel's POV

We had been studying, researching, crying, and yelling for hours. Sean was about to have a breakdown. We had all taken turns sitting with him, trying to keep him from pulling out his hair literally. I can't imagine what he is going through. Even though things are still rocky with Victor and me, at least I still have him. Sean lost Owen and little wolf within moments of each other. Truth be told, he's far calmer than I would be if I were in his place. I'd have already burned down the palace. If we can't find a way to bring her back, I'm not sure I still won't.

Poor Luke is practically catatonic. He has clung to the Queen, and like her daughter, she seems to know exactly what he needs. She's been keeping him focused on a spell book about the veil and entering the Summerlands. The fact that Loki is missing is almost as bad as Sean's loss. Kota and Nate had returned to the Council bringing Mistress Thrain and Jace with them. Apparently, Jace had trashed several rooms when he found out about Eveleen. His own mother had to come and restrain him. She had shown up in Fairie a bit later. Her meeting with the Queen was strained.

"This is fucking worthless!" North roared, flipping a table over. His skin was darkening as he began to shift.

Moving faster than any of us could see, both Jace and Nyx had him pinned in an instant. "I know you're upset, North, but this isn't going to help," Nyx said, her hands pressing him to the floor. "So long as Gabriel and Kota feel their connections, there is hope."

"Hope for what?" he grumbled, "Hope that they are in spirit, hope that they will be reincarnated in a few thousand years?"

"At least you would see them again," Sean mumbled. "Time is on your side, North, but not all of us." I hadn't thought of that. If the bond had connected our life spans, did that mean most of us were 'normal' again? "The only thing we have learned for sure is that Fae souls are reborn, but not when or how. It could take a month or thousands of years, and even then, will they know us, remember us?" He cradled his head in his hands, trying to suppress his sobs. North's shoulders dropped as he realized how callous his comment had been.

I didn't notice Victor next to me until he slipped his hand into mine. He leaned into me and I felt his body shudder as his own sobs broke. I wrapped my arms around him, forgetting all the hurt. None of that mattered anymore. The man in my arms, the family surrounding me, and the ones we lost - they are all that matter now. Time to channel my inner Owen Blackbourne.

"We need to take a step back. Right now our emotions are too high and quite honestly, we might even overlook an answer due to grief." I squeezed Victor's shoulders and continued to address the group. "No one goes off alone, we need to be there for each other right now, because let's face it, this impacts all of us. I want everyone to get some food, and take a rest. Your Highness, is there a common room where we could set up beds? We need to be together tonight."

She nodded her head, "Yes, Gabriel, but please call me Orria. Like I told Luke, we are family now. I'll have the main hall set with beds and food." We all forced ourselves to follow her as she led us down the labyrinth of halls.

I let the others pass as I pulled Victor to the back of the group. "I love you," I said to him, grabbing his chin and then pressing my lips to his. "I forgive you, and so did she," I said, pulling back. His eyes widened, as he pulled me into a crushing hug. His quiet sobs, shaking his shoulders. I held him a few moments longer and then we followed the others down the hall. We spent the remainder of the evening quietly talking - sharing memories and moments with each other. It was the early hours of the morning when I finally fell asleep.


I could feel water lapping at my feet, but the area was shrouded in fog. The sound of crashing water wasn't far off and I could smell pine and rowan trees. I took a cautious step and realized I was barefoot standing in shallow water littered with colorful stones at the bottom. "Hello," I called out.


I took a few cautious steps, trying to find land, but the fog seemed to thicken as I moved. Just as I started to take another step, I heard what sounded like wings rustling behind me. I froze, not sure what to do.

"Destined one," a woman's voice spoke and I turned cautiously. She was tall with black hair and a commanding presence. She wore a long cloak that rippled at her feet in the slightly moving water. "You are living up to your reputation quite well, Gabriel Coleman."

"Do I know you?" I asked plainly.

She gave a short barking laugh, "No consort, you do not, but you soon will." She took a step back as the mists began to surround her. "Bring them to the falls tomorrow. Don't keep your little wolf waiting, Gabriel."

The hairs on my body stood on end, "Wait, what do you mean?" I yelled after her but was only met with the sound of water and wind.

I woke up to find the bottom of my pant legs still damp. What the fuck is going on?

Author's Notes:  I love it when a plan starts coming together.  As always, please follow, vote and comment!

Side note: For those of you who follow/are familiar with Celtic traditions, please remember that most of the history was an oral tradition and what we know is vague at best.  I know that representations of The Morrigan can be touchy.  The Morrigan is often associated with the Celtic underworld and is a Goddess of war, witchcraft, death, protection, and retribution.  While considered in modern traditions as a dark goddess, in old times she was neither dark nor light. Additionally, what is now looked at as Celtic or Norse was often muddled in the past due to the wandering nature of the Vikings - Waterford, Ireland was a Viking settlement founded in the 9th Century.  Not everything is cut and clear.  I take my heritage seriously and was raised on tales not found in modern books of times long past.  I hope I am doing justice to those stories.  


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