Chapter 34

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Mature Content Warning - M/M

Sean's POV

 Was this real? First Brigid appears to me and I find I have some sort of magical healing powers, now Owen is openly asking me to spend the night with him. My head and heart are both swirling with emotion. Am I ready for our relationship to be known...yes, I'm more than ready.

I let him lead me down the hall and into his room. I turned to look at him when I heard the door lock click. In an instant he had me backed against the door, kissing me fiercely, tugging at the buttons on my shirt. My hands fumbled with his buttons as well. He pressed against me, grinding his hips. I let out a moan and felt his hand cup the back of my head, kissing me harder. Fuck, I'm so in love with this man.

Despite a few buttons being popped, we finally managed to get undressed. Owen looked at me with lust-filled eyes and pulled me towards the bed, pushing me down not so gently. He's always been controlling in our Academy lives, but in the bedroom, he's a complete dominant. It's sexy as hell.

I shifted slightly underneath him, running my hands along his chest. Grabbing my hands, he held them above my head as he began to trail kisses along my neck, then my chest, sucking and leaving bite marks as he went.

"Keep your arms where they are," he growled as he traveled lower, running his tongue along my length. My hips twitched, wanting more. I made a whining noise as I tried to press upward. I felt a sharp slap on my thigh. "Greedy boy," Owen chided me. "Be patient, love." His fingers trailed down and began to massage my balls, making me groan loudly. Turning my mouth against my arm, I tried to stifle my sounds, but he wouldn't let me. Moving my chin, he held my gaze, "I want to hear you, Sean. Let the whole damn house hear how much I turn you on." He had a wicked smirk on his face as he quickly knelt down and took my throbbing cock in his mouth.

I felt myself hitting the back of his throat as he began sucking hard. I couldn't stop the cry that broke from me, "Owen!" He continued to bob up and down on me, hollowing his cheeks as his hand squeezed and massaged my balls. "Please, please, I can't...I need to cum," I groaned. He tapped my thigh twice, our signal of his permission, and I bucked my hips, pushing deep in his throat as I came in several bursts.

My breathing was labored when he took my cock out of his mouth with a pop. He climbed up, hovering over me for a moment before crashing his lips against mine in a hungry kiss. My arms wrapped around his neck as I threaded my fingers through his short brown hair. When the kiss finally ended, with closed eyes, I pressed my forehead to his, "I love you, Owen," I whispered. I opened my eyes when I felt the teardrop hit my cheek. He was crying. My beautiful, strong Owen was crying. I kissed his wet eyelids, then wiped away the tears.

"I'm scared."

I pulled him against me. "What are you scared of?"

He gave a hollow chuckle, "Everything that is happening. This mission, Eveleen, actual Gods and Goddesses - Sean, my whole world has been tossed in a cosmic blender and I have no idea which end is up anymore." He ran his fingers along my chest as he spoke. "I know this isn't over. It's not even close to over, but I can't help being afraid of what happens when it is? What does this all mean in the end? Are we still a family, still Academy, or is the universe charting a new course for us that will separate us?" He leaned up and pushed my hair away from my face, with a pensive look. "What about us? I can't lose you."

Cupping his face in my hand, I closed the gap between us and kissed him softly. "Well let's get one thing straight, you will never lose me," I said, poking my finger against his chest. "As for everything else, I have no answers. I'm just as scared as you, and I'd say so is everyone else - okay maybe not Gabe. Then again, that's a whole different conversation for another time." We both chuckled at that. I wasn't kidding, it really is a conversation to have because Gabe had completely changed. He was no longer self-doubting but now was a fierce leader and protector.

Owen let out a sigh, "What do you think about Eveleen?" I felt how his body tensed. I knew exactly what he was hinting at.

"She isn't Sang." He flinched when I spoke her name out loud. "A couple of days ago, I had the same concerns, but not anymore. Meeting Brigid, discovering I have magic, and staring down a demon had drastically changed my worldview. Unlike Sang, she doesn't want anything from us. I think she'd rather we hadn't found out. She's terrified we are going to get hurt, and she's just as shocked as us about the claimings." He gave me a confused glance. I tapped my head. "Each time one of us is claimed, it's like a telepathic link connects. I can't hear their thoughts unless they want me to, but I can feel all of them - Eveleen, Gabe, and Victor. Her fear and worry are tangible; it's so strong." I grasped his hand, afraid of his reaction to my next words. "The only similarity I can see between Eveleen and Sang is that eventually, no, soon, every one of us will be completely in love with her - that includes the Toma team if my suspicions are correct."

Owen pulled his hand from mine and sat up, clutching his head in his hands. He groaned softly and shook his head, "We can't. We barely survived the breakup, and the Toma team...oh hell, Sean, it destroyed them. What do we do when this one falls apart?"

"Who says it will?" I sat up next to him, rubbing his back. "Let me ask you this, are you attracted to her?"

"Yes," he whispered.

"Do you feel drawn to her, like a part of your very soul craves her?"

Again he whispered, "Yes. That day in the warehouse, when she touched me, it was like a piece of my heart and soul had been found." He looked at me with so much doubt and anguish, "But what if I'm wrong...again. I can't fail my family, I can't fail you again."

"You never failed us, Owen. Sang made her own choices. There was nothing you could do about that. And let me remind you that all nine of us made the decision to start and continue the relationship. You didn't push anything on us, hell, you were the one who dragged your feet the longest out of fear then." I pulled him back down to the bed, laying on his chest. "This isn't the same situation. To be honest, we aren't really in control of this situation and we'd be fools to think we are."

Owen laughed, running his hand over my arm. He kissed the top of my head, "I know. That's precisely what has me going insane, is the lack of control I have."

I chuckled, "Believe me, I know. You're such a grumpy bear when you can't play alpha male."

"Play alpha male huh?" he gave a low growl, "Just wait, I'll show you alpha male, little boy, but for tonight, you need to sleep. We have lots to discuss as a family tomorrow.

Author's Notes: #1 Due to the sheer number of characters, often chapters will be of the same time frame, just events taking place in multiple locations.  

#2  If LGBTQIA+ offends/bothers you, please remove this book from your library, stop reading, etc.  You were notified in the description - don't be petty are report the story.  

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