Chapter 47

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Sean's POV

Owen held my hand tightly as we drove. He was nervous. It was so out of character for him, and it worried me. I looked back to see Star nestled into Nate's chest. She was staring blankly out the window as he spoke softly to her, stroking her hair.

When we all came through the hospital doors, we drew some looks. While our team has always been a large one, we hadn't been active in recent months, let alone been out in public as a group. Then add the fact that Marc and Brandon were with us. I noticed several nurses whispering as we passed. Not to mention, that despite her human glamour, Eveleen seemed to pull attention to her.

When we reached the third-floor rooms, Phil greeted us. "Boys, good to see all of you together for a change," he grinned broadly. "Ahh, and Ms. Doe, how are you feeling?" his eyes crinkled as he used the pseudonym.

My Star gave a slight blush then reached for his hand, "Dr. Roberts, I'm well, thank you for asking. May we speak freely here or should I secure the area?"

"Let's go to the conference room, and you can, um, uh, secure that room," he flushed. I had a smug grin on my face. She may be tiny, but damn was she a commanding presence. We followed Phil down the hall and filed into the conference room. Once the door was locked, Eveleen began walking the perimeter of the room slowly. She took both Nate and Gabe's hands and then positioned them in the room. Next, she took my hand and placed me across from Gabe. Finally, she placed Silas across from Nate, then she placed herself. It took me a minute to realize she had used us to create the five points of a pentagram.

She raised her hands and began softly, repeating her words in both Irish and English - "Séala Cailleach an seomra seo ó shúile agus cluasa prying. Lig an fhírinne a labhairt anseo. Cailleach seal this room from prying eyes and ears. Let the truth be spoken here." The air filled with a silver mist as the spell soaked into the walls. It was an odd feeling as if the room were truly clean for the first time I'd ever been inside it. There was no negative residue from any grievances or events in the past.

I looked at the awestruck expression on my mentor's face, and chuckled, "So what can you tell us, Phil?" We all took seats around the room.

"Huh, oh, oh, yes, um, the survivor, Lydia Garrison is being treated for dehydration and some minor cuts and bruises. Sadly Mr. Williams had severe internal bleeding and we simply couldn't get ahead of it. He died in surgery this morning." Phil reported still eyeing Eveleen. "I don't wish to offend, but what are you? I mean, I've dealt with witches before, but you, my dear are something else all together."

"I'm part Fae, Dr. Roberts. As to the other half, I have no idea, and please, call me Eveleen," she said briefly before turning to me. "Sean, when the other three were brought in, how severe were their injuries?"

"They were pretty bad, but the magical injuries were the worst of it. I haven't had a chance to examine Ms. Garrison so I'm not sure if there would be something else there." I reached out to take her hand, "What are you thinking Star?"

"Something seems off. Lydia was the third abduction but seems to have the least amount of injuries. I mean just cuts and bruises with mild dehydration, seriously? The woman has been held captive for almost two months by shades and demons. Witch or not, the fact that she isn't screaming to the rafters is suspicious enough."

"She's right," Brandon added. "I was around that thing for less than an hour and it made my skin crawl. Had you not healed me, Sean, I'm fairly sure I'd be a raving lunatic. Their aura makes you feel like you'll never be warm again."

"Is it possible she was influenced or even claimed by one," Victor asked. "I mean don't get me wrong, but so far I'm the only one to have been claimed by a dark God. I can say it is a very different connection than what I expected."

"Explain, please," Owen asked, leaning in.

"Typhon is chaos. His power is dark and destructive. It's so opposite to my human nature that it's ironic really. When I felt him leading me into that house, I knew I was indestructible in that moment. I can see where that power could corrupt someone as a way to control them. I haven't even begun to learn what I'm capable of beyond the fire and dragon shifting - but that really is just scratching the surface." We all sat in silence pondering what he had just told us as Eveleen walked over and sat in his lap.

She cupped his face in her hands, "Do you remember what we discussed on the front porch, mo dhragún?" He nodded. "Good, then you above all should realize that a claim is a guidance, not a possession. While it is true that Typhon is a dark God, all of the Gods and Goddesses have done terrible things because they lack the one gift each of you possesses - humanity. As I said before, magic is neutral. Dark or light is determined by the intent of the wielder." He covered her hands with his and pulled her to his lips. They locked eyes for a few moments, having a private conversation before Eveleen turned back to the room.

"I think it might be a good idea for Sean and me to evaluate Lydia. Victor's theory is a valid one. While I've never seen a shade be able to possess a human for an extended period of time, we can't rule it out." She began to walk to the door but stopped before opening it. "One more thing my loves, if anyone in this room is bothered or fearful of Victor's disclosure, then you all might want to research my patron Goddess, the Cailleach." She locked eyes with Vic once again. "You are not the only one claimed by a dark God, mo dhragún."

When she opened the door, the air seemed to flood in from the hospital - it was filled with crushing emotions.

She reached out and took my hand. "It's part of your power, mo sholas. Brigid is considered a mother-phase Goddess. Along with your healing skills, you will find you are empathic. That's why the air feels heavier to you, I noticed it as well." She gave me a reassuring smile. "I'll help you learn to filter it."

"Thank you my Star. I really do believe I would be lost without you. We all would be." We arrived at the observation room and entered as the others looked on through the one-way mirror. "Hello Ms. Garrison, I'm Dr. Green. How are you feeling today?"

The young woman appeared to be healthy but seemed a bit dazed. "It hurts," she complained.

"Can you tell me where it hurts?" I asked, coming closer to her. It was then that she looked up and saw Eveleen behind me. Her eyes seemed to constrict for a moment and I froze. "Ms. Garrison, Lydia, can you hear me?" She made a low animalistic sound, her face contorting. I glanced at Eveleen and heard a faint clicking sound.

She can't get out, Sean. I nodded. I could hear the others pounding at the door, but I knew they'd never break Star's spell. We were on our own.

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