Chapter 70

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Mature Content Warning - brief scene mid-chapter M/F/M

Marc's POV

It's been almost a week since North and Jace took off. Luke and Silas had buried themselves in work. I think they were upset with themselves for not being here when he woke up. Eveleen was spiraling as well. She'd been fine for the first couple of days, but the longer he was gone, the more worried and withdrawn she'd become. Hoping to cheer her up, I was plating some scones and tea when Kota came into the room. "How is she today, man?" rubbing his eyes he asked.

"No change really. I was just headed up with some breakfast for her. You just gettin in?"

"Yeah, Cade needed some time. We ran almost to the edge of the state and still couldn't pick up anything on North or Jace. Wherever they went, it isn't anywhere near us." He mused, grabbing a cup of coffee and a few scones. "Damn, Marc, these are really good," he mumbled with a full mouth.

"Thanks!" I grinned. "If you're up to it, Luke and I are going to see if Eveleen wants to visit the diner. I think getting her out of the house would do her some good and Uncle's been pushing to meet the new bird that, and I quote, 'has us grinning like damn fools all day'." Kota laughed when I made the little air quote motions.

"Sounds good, just let me know when," then he headed off to the office in pursuit of Owen I'm sure.

When I reached her door I noticed it was slightly ajar. When I pushed it open, she was sitting near the window, holding Gabe's stuffie and staring out across the woods. "Hey minx, I brought breakfast." She turned and gave me a full smile when she saw the tea and scones. Score one for me.

She hummed softly as she sipped her tea, letting the steam wash over her face. "I don't care if it's a thousand degrees outside, a hot cuppa is the only way to start a day."

"I'll stick to my coffee and sweet tea like a good Southern gentleman, if you don't mind, love," I teased. She stuck out her tongue and giggled.

"Cold tea is just wrong, and don't get me started on all the sugar you people add. I swear my teeth rot just thinking about it," she groaned, then picked up a scone, "These, these are all the sugar I need." She took a bite and moaned. "Oh my goddess, these are amazing, Marc. I may have to start seriously considering that marriage proposal."

I choked on my coffee making her giggle, "You little minx, you can't just say things like that. I'm likely to either pass out or kidnap you and hightail it to the nearest justice of the peace!" She let out a round of laughter that ended up having us both in tears. It was so good to see her happy.

"Are you two having a party in here or what?" Luke asked, poking his head in the door.

"Considering running off and finding a justice of the peace actually. Minx things I'm marriage material because my scones are near orgasmic," I teased, flashing her a wicked grin. "I could use a best man."

Luke grabbed his chest, "What? Tell me it isn't true, Pixie. You're running away with this idiot and leaving the rest of us - no, my heart can't take it," and he dramatically threw himself on the bed next to her, making her fall over into him, giggling wildly. He wrapped his body around her like a koala, "I'll never let you have her, Marc, never!" I swear this man should have been an actor.

"Can't breath....stop, oh goddess, you two are too much," she gasped in between fits of laughter. Tears were rolling down her cheeks making her look even more beautiful - if such a thing were possible.

I climbed on the bed next to her as she pried Luke's arms loose playfully. "Hmm, I don't know Luke, maybe we could reach a compromise," I gave him a sly grin. "Perhaps the beautiful lady would benefit from both of our many and impressive talents." I placed a kiss behind her ear. "Maybe we should convince her that we are both husband material." I ran my tongue along her neck, placing several kisses along the way. I heard her suck in her breath, then let out a low whine.

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