Chapter 59

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North's POV

Seeing my Queen laying lifeless on that bathroom floor felt like my heart had been ripped from my chest. Jace's blood had saved her physically, but emotionally our love was suffering. She didn't speak a word as Gabe managed to get her cleaned up and dressed. Silas had carried her down to the Jeep, trying to shield her eyes from the carnage inside the temple. None of us have ever been violent, but this was different. This was a life-and-death battle. When we entered the temple, we quickly realized that every person there was either a shade, demon, or dark caster. The only innocent person in the building was my love.

Brandon, Owen, and I had to deal with the witches primarily since we are the only ones that haven't been claimed yet. The others were impressive. Nate wielded a sword as if he had used one his whole life, and Silas pulled water molecules out of the air to trap and drown demons and witches alike. I'd seen Victor's powers, but it was Luke and Marc that really surprised me. They changed shapes fluidly to attack whatever came at them. They moved in perfect synchronization, anticipating each other's moves as well as their attackers.

"Do we call the Academy for a clean-up, I mean how would we really explain this?" I asked Owen.

He shook his head. "I don't think we should involve the Academy more than we already have. It only puts more innocent lives at risk." He surveyed the building for a moment, "But we do have to cover this up somehow, not to mention, I want that portal sealed."

"We can do it," Marc said, stepping forward with Luke. Owen nodded, then they both spoke a single word, "Brann." The entire building was instantly engulfed in silent flames. This was a magical fire, even the brick began to burn, but not a single wisp of smoke filled the air.

"Séalaithe le tine, fanfaidh bhur n-anamacha go síoraí" Eveleen's voice echoed from the Jeep, causing the very walls of the temple to crumble. Her eyes were a fiery green, jaw set in determination as she watched the structure crumble. She didn't translate this time, and we didn't ask.

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