Chapter 121

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Nate's POV

I dropped to my knees. She was here, really here. Sean ran forward and practically tackled Owen, covering him in kisses, as Victor grabbed Gabriel in a tight embrace, kissing him as well. The others were all crowding around her, talking and kissing, but I couldn't move. It was then that our eyes met. She gently pushed her way past the others and came to kneel in front of me. "Mo lochlannach," she said softly, cupping my face in her hands. I tried to speak but all that came out was a strangled cry. I grabbed her shoulders and crushed her against me as my body shook with silent cries. I felt her hands in my hair, her lips against my neck as she whispered to me, "I'm so sorry I left. I didn't want to, please forgive me, mo lochlannach."

I pulled back, searching her eyes, "Do you really think I would be mad at you? Oh, Valkyrie, no. I was scared, so scared. I felt like I had failed you."

She pressed her lips to mine and wrapped her legs around me until she was straddling my knees. "You have never failed me and you never will, my love," she said, looking into my eyes. "And Goddess willing, we will never part again." I crashed my lips against hers. I didn't want to let her go, but I knew all the others needed reassurance as well. When we both needed air, I finally pulled back, stood, and carried her to the sitting area, where we all discussed what had happened in their absence.

I watched the dynamic around the room. Sean sat happily intertwined with Owen on a couch, while Valkyrie had moved to sit between Corey and Raven. North, Jace, and Brandon were all engrossed in a conversation about motorcycles, while Silas, Marc, and Axel were discussing what the water was like in Fairie. Kota had come to sit with me, and he tried to get Luke to, but he was still staying to himself.

Valkyrie, Luke's not okay, I sent her across our connection. She turned to meet my gaze, then focused in on Luke. She whispered something to Corey and Raven, then gave them quick kisses as she walked over and sat next to Luke. He lifted his eyes and I could see the tears start to fall. Without a word, he pulled her into his lap and held her. Several of my brothers noticed, but we didn't make a big deal out of it. They not only needed but deserved a moment.

Queen Orria called us all into the dining hall after a short while. Luke carried Valkyrie bridal style as we all sat down to eat. When dessert started, Luke asked, "How come Owen got to be a fairy, Pixie." He tugged at her lips teasingly, making her giggle. She leaned back a bit and glanced at Owen.

He cleared his throat, "Apparently, my grandmother was Fae. When I crossed into the Summerlands," he paused as Sean shivered and gripped his hand. He gave Sean a quick kiss to comfort him and continued, "When I crossed, my mother was there waiting for me. Both she and the Morrigan explained my ancestry and when the Morrigan claimed me, she made me fully Fae." He closed his eyes for a moment, and his body shimmered like Valkyrie's, then he looked perfectly human - just like the old Owen. "I have the same magic as any Fae has now. I can cast a glamour to look human, but I'm not human at all in truth, at least, not anymore."

"Fuck me," Marc said, gaping. "Wait, who of us is still human? I mean, I know all of us are different because of the soul bonds and our patron claims but are any of us fully human anymore, just part, or like Owen - not at all?"

"Well, I'm not human, and we know North isn't," Kota said. "Axel, what about you and Silas?"

"Nope," he said, "Triton told us we stopped being human the moment we were claimed. It just took a bit for the transition since I was a stubborn ass." We all chuckled at his response.

"I'm not really sure," Gabe said, looking at Victor, "Does the dragon thing make us not human at all or what?"

Victor blushed a bit and cleared his throat, "I'm not sure really either. Might be a question for Typhon or Odin."

"Fairly sure I'm still human, just with an extended life because of Star," Sean added.

I nodded, "Yeah, same as Sean, still human with a long life hopefully."

"I think Brandon and I are both still human," Corey added as Brandon agreed.

"Da, still human I think. Perun hasn't spoken to me since the day with the spider things." Raven added.

"Ah, fuck, don't remind me of those fuckers," Gabe whined, making us all laugh.

"Loki never indicated Marc and I were anything beyond human," Luke said, still holding Eveleen in his lap. He looked down at her and kissed the top of her head. "Quite the menagerie you've acquired, Pixie," he teased, then he whispered something in her ear that made her turn bright red and squirm.

We spent the rest of the evening talking about random topics until we all settled down for the night. We decided to sleep as a group again in the main room. None of us wanted to be away from her, not even for a minute, let alone an entire night.

Author's Notes:  Lots of smut ahead...  Did I mention - lots?

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