Chapter 118

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Victor's POV

"I'm telling you it was fucking real," Gabe insisted. He had woken us all up this morning ranting about a woman and the falls. "She said we needed to go there and not to keep little wolf waiting."

Kota placed a hand on his shoulder, "Are you sure you aren't just grasping at straws? We all want her back, Gabe."

He pushed him backward, "The last time you blew me off about her, Kota was right after the car wreck. I was fucking right then and I'm fucking right now. Believe what you want, but I'm going." Kota's face fell. Gabe was right. Everyone had doubted us about the wreck and even I didn't believe she had saved him.

I grabbed his hand, "So what do we need to do?" He gave me a thankful smile, then launched into his plans.

After a few hours of planning and packing, we all began the trek to the falls. Queen Orria had gathered servants and priestesses to lead us to the Morrigan's shrine. We brought Jewel and Owen's flowers with us as well. Nyx had left, saying that it would not be fitting for her to enter the temple of another goddess when not specifically invited. She told Jace she would be in touch soon. He had decided to stay with the group for now. We all needed to be around each other for support.

When we finally reached the water, Gabe let out a cry and fell to his knees, "Foraoise na n-anamacha caillte."

"What?" Nate asked, coming to stand next to him. "Are you okay?"

"I've seen this before. Eveleen called it The Forest of Lost Souls," Gabe said, his eyes locked on the treeline just beyond the waterfall. "But this part looks different. When little wolf took me to Cailleach's grove, there was a cavern and a field."

Orria made a small choking sound, "You've been to the sacred grove?"

He turned to her, "Yes. She took me, well, I guess I took us but it was her spell and my magic combined. Is this part of the grove?"

"No, this is the land of the living, what lies beyond the trees is the entrance to the Summerlands and Cailleach's grove. Gabriel, she took you into the Fae underworld. That's why you can still feel her." She took his hands and lifted him, walking into the waters. "You are already bound in life," she said, touching the marks on his arm, "and when she took you to the grove, she bound you in death as well. You really are her destined one."

"What does that mean? That's what Loki called him, and Gabe said the woman in his dream said it too," Luke asked, his hands thrust in his pockets, "but what does it mean?"

Orria's eyes were filled with tears as she spoke with hope in her voice, "It means he is her lifeline, their souls are connected across all of fate. You are all her soulmates, but without their connection, the rest of yours would never have found one another. They are each other's beginning and end." She motioned for the priestesses to bring the flowers to the water. "I need each of you to take a flower for both of them. Sean takes two for Owen, and Gabe takes two for Eveleen." We did as she asked and followed her into the shallows of the water.

"We call upon the Morrigan, Goddess of Death, Goddess of Protection, hear our pleas. Return our lost daughter and son, do not let their sacrifices be made in vain." The voice of the priestess carried across the water. Orria placed her flowers in the water, and we all followed watching them float across the shallow waters towards the misty forest. A soft breeze began to sway the trees, making the water from the falls spray across us. I raised my hand to wipe the water from my eyes and saw a dark figure walking across the waters, coming towards us.

When the outline became defined, I could tell it was a cloaked woman. Orria and all of the Fae fell to their knees instantly. I noticed Gabe had fallen into the water as well. There was an ominous feeling in the air and I found myself wanting to kneel as well. Only Jace and North seemed to be unaffected. She stood studying us for a moment, then cocked her head sideways at Jace and North. "Vampires, right?" she asked. They both nodded but didn't speak. She chuckled, "Ironic how the dead are the ones to withstand my compulsion, yet I'm a Goddess of Death." Oh fuck, she's the Morrigan.

She held her hand out to Gabe. I felt my body tense. Was she going to take him away, I can't lose him too. "Calm yourself dragon, unlike western beliefs, I do not take souls. I guide them once they enter the cauldron until such time as they are to be reborn," she gave me a reassuring smile. "It is not his time, but I do need his assistance." The Morrigan took Gabe's hands in hers, "I need you to cross over."

"What do you mean?" Sean asked. Wait, she just said she wasn't taking him.

"I can't explain much, but trust what Orria just explained. He is her tether." The Goddess looked at Gabe and spoke softly, "You must cross of your own free will into Foraoise na n-anamacha caillte, then you will find what you desire in the grove. If the Princess accepts, then I will guide you on the next step."

"What about Owen?" Sean persisted. "How do we help him?"

"By helping her for they are bound now," she said, smiling slightly at him. Sean gave her a sheepish grin.

"I'll go," Gabe said, straightening his shoulders. I gave a strangled cry, and he came toward me. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. "You are my first love, Victor, but I have to do this for all of us."

"Please, please don't leave me, Gabe," I begged as he started to walk towards the forest.

He squeezed my hand tightly, "I promise you I'm coming back, and I'm fucking bringing them both with me." He let go and stepped past the first Rowan tree. His body disappeared and flowers fell to the ground. I screamed out his name, clutching the flowers to my chest.

He was gone.  

Author's Notes:  I'll be posting a bit quicker, hopefully.  I'm attempting to finish the story to enter it in the Watty's.  

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