Chapter 27

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North's POV

      Gabe's response or actually his lack of one left us all confused as we headed to my garage. I'd texted Brandon earlier to make sure he hadn't started any repairs on the car. Eve said she needed it to be as untouched as possible to track this thing. I won't lie, I was scared to face it. I know we can't really fight it, but I sure as hell wasn't going to let her face it all alone.

Brandon was waiting out front when we pulled up. He was suspiciously eyeing Eve as I helped her down from the Jeep. "Hey man, thanks for coming," I told him. "Brandon, this is our new neighbor, Eveleen."

She held her hand out to him, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Brandon.". When he shook her hand, he swayed a little, and I saw the same surprise in his eyes as my brothers. Well damn, isn't that interesting.

"Feck, I've really got to stop shaking hands with hot guys." She mumbled softly as she straightened up. Several of us laughed as Brandon stood with a goofy look on his face. "Shite, I said that out loud didn't I?"

"Pixie, I think your filter is broken," Luke chuckled as he gave her a hug from behind. I watched her subconsciously lean into him as I glanced at Gabe. He had a look of content on his face. So that's what he meant before. Was this really happening to us again?

"So, um, in light of that, should I fill Brandon in?" I asked Eve, trying to focus.

She stiffened a little, studying Brandon, then nodded, "Yes, it might be for the best, North, mo cosantóir."

As I started to lead Brandon to the office, I teased her, "You know at this rate, we're all going to have to learn Gaelic." She blushed and gave a soft giggle.

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