Chapter 79

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Mature Content Warning - M/F

Silas's POV

Mikri magissa and I walked into the back tanks at the aquarium. I won't lie, I'm terrified about changing. You'd think a big guy like me could face anything, but this? What if something happens and I'm stuck with a tail forever, would she leave me? Eveleen squeezed my hand, sensing my distress.

"I promised you the day you were claimed that we would figure this out and I'd be with you," she said, kissing my cheek. "I'll be with you every step today, mo chaomhnóir." I led her to the saltwater tank at the far corner of the room and we climbed onto the decking. Now we wait for Triton.

Axel walked into the room while we were waiting, our feet dangling in the water a bit. "What the hell are you two doing?"

I felt her bristle at his harsh tone. "We are expecting a friend," I said vaguely. He rolled his eyes and started testing pH levels in the tanks. "Are you sure you're up to this?" I asked her as I ran a hand across her chest. "Is it hurting?"

"No," she shook her head, "Sean was able to get rid of most of it this morning. It seems to get worse when I sleep." She was worried about infecting the rest of us, but I wasn't. I know Triton said the change would give my sex drive a huge boost, but honestly, with mikri magissa, it was always in overdrive these days.

"Am I late? You didn't start without me, did you?" Triton's cheery voice carried across the room as he walked towards us. For a God of the Sea, he looked like a Wall Street banker. He wore a sharp suit and his salt and pepper hair was trimmed with a stylish beard. His blue eyes were like ocean water and his personality drew you to him. "Well, hello little starfish, how are you today?" He grabbed her hand, kissing the back of it chastely.

She giggled like a child, "I'm well, Triton, and how exactly would we start without you? I can't use magic, remember?"

He gave an exaggerated eye roll, "Oh dear, me. The centuries must be getting to me. So children, how would you like to proceed?" He rubbed his hands together in excitement.

I noticed Axel eyeing us as he pretended to work. "You're the expert, how about you tell me what I need to do. I do have a question though," I paused, stroking Eveleen's hand. "This won't hurt her, will it? I mean, how will she breathe if we, well, um, when we.." I sputtered trying to finish my sentence. Damn this was embarrassing.

Triton threw his head back and howled in laughter. So not making me feel better... He dried the tears from the corners of his eyes, "I'm sorry, Silas, really, it's just that I forget you don't know about this. Like Cailleach said yesterday, we've all been around so long that it's difficult to see things from the perspective of a human, well sort of human, anyway, you get my point." He sat down on the decking with us, hands folded in his lap. "When you transition, you will have the ability to breathe underwater. Because Starfish is with you, she will be able to as well, just make sure and give her a deep kiss before submerging her. The effects will last for hours with each kiss." He gave a devilish grin, "And I'm sure you'll be doing lots of kissing underwater."

"What about, um, sex? I mean, if I have a tail from the waist down then how do we, I," I could feel my cheeks getting hotter. This is like having the damn birds and the bees discussion with Sean all over again.

"It's similar to most aquatic animals. For merfolk there is a section in their groin, a pouch if you will that opens during sex. Of course, everything will function the same as if you were in human form. Well, almost everything," he coughed slightly. We both raised our eyebrows at him. "Hmm, well, um because the tail limits access a bit, you'll be more endowed in merform, and some non-mermaids say that our cum can be a bit painful the first time. I think it has something to do with the accelerated sex drive during a first transformation."

"Are you sure you're okay with this, Eveleen? I don't want to do anything that will hurt you. I can go through the transition without you here if you prefer."

She wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. "I'm with you now and always mo chaomhnóir. Let's do this."

Per Triton's instructions, I stripped down and lowered myself into the tank. Mikri magissa also took off her clothes but waited at the top of the tank. Triton said it would be better to let me transform first, then come to the surface for her. When the water touched my skin it felt different than before, like a caress, then I felt my stomach begin to cramp, making me grip the edge of the tank and cry out in pain. Eveleen cringed and tears streamed down her face, but she stayed still.

"What the hell is going on here?" Axel yelled, running up to the platform. "What are you doing? Help him!"

"Shut up and watch, Axel," Triton snapped.

"Who the fuck are you and how do you know my name?"

"Oh, I know so much more than your name, Axel Toma. I know the sea calls to you. I know you feel drawn to this woman here, yet you deny it. And now, watching your brother's transformation begin, you feel the pull in your own gut." Triton's form seemed to shimmer and grow, his hair and beard flowing over his shoulders. "You are a child of the sea, Axel. You are my child."

Axel's knees buckled as he gasped, "Wh..who are you?"

"I am Triton, God of the Sea and all Merfolk, and you are my chosen just as Silas is. Watch and then make your decision, Axel." He turned his attention back to me as I clung to the tank wall. "Silas, let go of the wall and swim to the bottom of the tank. Let the water guide you. I will know if you need help."

With a last look at my love, I let my body drift to the bottom. The deeper I fell, the less my stomach hurt, but it was only for a few moments. Then a searing pain shot down my back and legs as I could feel my bones splitting and melding together. My skin boiled as scales began to erupt. I gasped in pain, expecting to choke on water, but found I could breathe. As I took in more air, the pain began to lessen. I looked down to see a deep blue tail with iridescent scales that began just below my navel. I gave a few kicks but couldn't seem to make much progress. Then I imagined I was pushing off at my knees and found myself propelling forward. As I neared the top of the tank my senses were flooded with an amazing smell.


As I breached the surface of the water, she came to the edge, cupping my face, and began kissing me. I could taste the salt from her tears.

"What the fuck," Axel's faint gasp reached my ears.

Letting mikri magissa's lips go, I smirked at him, then flipped water on him with my tail. "This is what I was born for, Axel. And if you'd pull your head out of your ass, you'd realize it was your destiny too. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a mate to claim," and I turned back to Eveleen and grabbed her in my arms then dove for the bottom of the tank with her wrapped tightly around me.

When we were almost to the bottom of the tank, I pulled her mouth to me again. I need you mikri magissa. You call to me like a siren, my Seirína. I ran my fingers down her body, rubbing my thumb over her clit. She jerked her hips towards me and I felt a slight burning sensation. The pouch Triton had referred to had opened and she was grinding against my hard cock. Grabbing her ass, I repositioned her and slammed into her, using my tail to thrust upwards. Even underwater, I could hear her scream of pleasure. I pressed her back against the glass of the tank as I pumped harder inside of her. I understood what Triton meant now. My need to fuck her was animalistic. I wanted my mate, no I needed her at this moment - to claim her as mine.

Please, Silas, please, she begged, I need to cum, she thrashed against me, mo chaomhnóir, please claim me

I roared as I crushed her to me, thrusting upward as I felt her body spasming. Cum for me Seirína. Her orgasm shuddered through her body as her insides clamped down on me. I began to fill her with long bursts of cum as she cried out in a mix of pleasure and pain. Shh, love, it will pass soon. You are mine forever, my Seirína, I cooed in her mind as my mouth closed over hers once again. 

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