Chapter 72

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Axel's POV

"Who's Eveleen?" I asked.

"Firecracker is the best thing to ever happen to any of us, brother, and once you meet her you'll understand," Brandon said. Oh great, these fools brought me here to meet a damned girl. Haven't we all had enough heartbreak to last a lifetime?

If that wasn't bad enough, we go up to see Kota and he's a damn wolf! And don't get me started on the fairy. What the hell have these guys been up to? Has the Academy gone crazy? So now I'm sitting here in their family room trying to get caught up on all of the insanity.

"So let me get this straight, everyone except Owen and Brandon has been claimed by a God or Goddess, Kota's a werewolf and North's a damn vampire?" I swear this has to be a hidden camera joke, right? I keep waiting for Uncle or Phil to jump out yelling gotcha.

"Don't rub it in, man," Brandon whined in a playful tone. "At least Owen knows his claim is out there, I'm just playing solo here." Owen gave a half-hearted laugh. "Besides, Ax, if we're right, you're just as in this as we are, and so are Raven and Corey. She's connected to all of us, man."

"No," I shook my head, "It ain't happening Brandon. We tried this before, we all did, and look where it got us? Geez, now you're talking about soul bonds, eternal life - what the hell happens when little miss fairy decides she's bored and starts lying like Kaylie and Sang did?"

"Little miss fairy is not capable of lying, Mr. Toma," her tone felt like a slap to my face. I guess I kinda deserved it. I turned to meet her gaze. She was standing at the bottom of the stairs wearing a t-shirt and short shorts. Her brunette hair fell over one shoulder and she was back in human form. Her eyes had a definite green hue. "I had assumed with your vast knowledge you were already aware that Fae cannot lie - it is physically impossible for us to do without intense pain to the point of even death if we persist."

"So you say. For all I know, that in itself is a lie." I scoffed. Damn, why am I digging myself deeper?

She straightened her shoulders and her eyes became a fiery green. "How dare you walk in here and accuse me of lying to you or any of them? You don't know a single fucking thing here Axel Toma. I would give my life for each of them, and tried to in fact." She held out her arm showing a long scar running from wrist to elbow. "I thought it was the only way to save them. It was better for me to die than risk even one of them suffering. So you can just fuck all the way off," she yelled, her voice cracking as tears began to fall. She stormed past me, the front door slamming as she ran out. I saw Silas jump from his seat and run after her.

"You're a fucking dick, Axel," Luke said as he followed Silas.

"I get that Kaylie ripped your heart out, Ax. Hell, she did it to all of us, but Eveleen isn't her. She didn't do anything to you to deserve that." Marc glared at me. "I think you need to go. We've got too much stuff to worry about already without you being a jerk to everyone." Great, so now it's all my fault.

"I didn't ask for any of this, guys," I said angrily. "You just met her and now you're all willing to risk everything, give up your lives, and for what?" I stood surveying the room. They all looked either pissed at me or like I'd kicked their favorite pet. Damn, I really did screw this up. "I'm sor.." I started when the door burst open, literally breaking off the hinges as North came in.

"Who the fuck made my Queen cry?" His voice boomed, making the windows rattle. His eyes were almost completely black with red edges and he looked furious. His gaze fell on me and he crossed the room in just three strides, picking me up by the cuff of my shirt. His body grew before my very eyes, large black horns piercing his scalp and curling above his head as his skin began to blacken. His hands grew long ebony claws that ripped at my shirt. "What did you do to her, Axel?" he growled in a dangerous tone.

Oh fuck.

"North Benjamin Taylor, you put him down right this instant!" Her voice cut through the room like a knife. Damn, that's two of them she's pulled the full name trick on. "You will not harm him or anyone else in this house, mo chosantóir. I cried, it's fine. I'm not dead, and he's just a jerk." Gabe let out a snort of laughter.

"Fucking North just hulked out and you walk in here scolding him like a child then call Axel a jerk. Oh, little wolf, you're killing me," he roared in laughter. North growled at him, but he kept laughing. "Oh hush it vampire or I'll sick the fairy on you." Yep, these guys have officially lost their damn minds.

"Ahem," she cleared her throat again, "Please put the jerk down, North." Great I guess that's my new name. He mumbled about ripping my spine out if I made her cry again, but finally, he put me down and grabbed her in his arms, and walked into the kitchen.

"Do you need to borrow some underwear, Ax?" Brandon smirked.

I gave him a grimace, "Very funny. Is he always like that?"

"Actually he just got back since his transition. He took one look at Pixie crying in Silas's arms and lost his shit," Luke said, taking a seat. "It's the first time any of us have seen his vampire form. Thanks for the show, at least now I know what to expect if he finds my sugar stash," Luke giggled.

"I heard that!" North yelled from the kitchen.

"Super hearing, you idiot," Marc elbowed him in the ribs.

"And silent movements," Owen added. "The day he transitioned he snuck up on me. I think he could out sneak you now, Luke."

Luke's face dropped then suddenly lit up again as he leaned over and whispered something to Marc. They both started grinning like little kids until Nate frowned, "Don't even think about it. I do not want a damn prank war that involves Loki getting started."

"Did you say Loki? As in God of Mischief, Loki?" I gasped. Marc and Luke grinned wider - if that was even possible, and nodded their heads. "Who thought that was a good idea? That's like leaving a child in charge of a candy store."

"I resemble that remark," a voice said behind me.

"Do you just hang around waiting for someone to mention your name?" Gabe asked, rolling his eyes.

"Actually, I came to check on the wolf, but it is adorable the way you all seem to talk of me often. Ahh, and here is the newest one," the man bowed his head to me and extended his hand, "I'm Loki."

I couldn't even move. I just stood eyes bulging, head spinning, then nothing.

Author's Notes: What do you think?  Should Axel come around sooner or later to the whole situation?

I'll be making updates a bit slower due to work for a few days, sorry my lovelies!

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