Chapter 20

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Eveleen's POV

Okay, the Goddess must have something up her sleeve, because this was just too coincidental. What are the odds we are looking into the same case and living just meters apart? Then to have the strange interactions - the jolt when our skin touches, the premonitions. It was all too much. My head was throbbing. I pinched my nose and groaned.

"Guys we need to take a break," Sean said next to me. "Eveleen hasn't eaten all day and we did just get out of the hospital." I gave him a smile of thanks. "Would you like to lie down for a bit or prefer we drive you home? Although I'd really prefer you to stay. That way I can check your bandages."

I nodded, "Sure if you have a spare couch I could stretch out on, that'd be lovely." He gave me a sour look as if I'd suggested mass murder.

"What type of Southern gentleman would I be if I gave you the couch?" he teased, rolling his eyes. "You'll take my room. No arguments." He held out his hand to help me off the couch. I followed him down the hall and into his room. It was spacious with purple and grey accents.

He motioned to the bed, "Have a seat and I'll take a quick look at your bandages. North and Silas went to pick up food from the diner." I sat down and slipped off my jacket, blushing a touch when he asked me to remove my top. "Would you be more comfortable if I called Kota's mom? She's a nurse."

"No, it's alright. I'm just not used to being around so many people, especially so many men," I said softly as I removed my top. Sean began to unwrap the bandages and gave a low hiss. I looked down and saw the burn mark. It was now only about the size of a handprint but was deep black in the center.

"Does it hurt?" Sean asked.

"It's tender, like a dull ache. It should be gone by tomorrow evening I think." I winced a bit as he applied the burn cream, then wrapped the wound again.

"Your rate of healing is simply amazing, Eveleen. Your original wound should have been fatal, to be honest." He turned his head as I put my top back on. When I finished he took my hand, staring at me as if searching for answers. "Why did you do it? Why did you save us, save Gabriel? You don't even know us." Tears glistened at the edge of his eyes.

I grabbed his hand and gave it a small squeeze. "Why do you save your patients, Sean? Why do you and your brothers put yourselves in harm's way on missions?" I could see the understanding in his eyes. "We aren't so different. We are protectors, it's what we are called to do despite the risks. I have no regrets. I would gladly give my life to save an innocent."

He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, stroking my cheek. "How did we get so lucky?" he said softly. I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders. "Take a nap. I'll wake you when the boys return with dinner." I crawled under the covers as he made a show of tucking me in, kissed my forehead, and left, closing the door behind him.

It only took a few moments for my eyelids to grow heavy as sleep overtook me.

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