Chapter 134

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Owen's POV

Everyone is healing nicely and relaxed as we take a well-earned moment of rest. I laugh to myself when I think back to the report that crossed my desk almost a year ago. Something deep inside me knew we needed to take that mission, and I thank the stars every day that we did. I can't help but stare at the beautiful woman across the room. Her hand rests on her ever-growing stomach as she listens intently to the tales my brothers are sharing with her about their younger years.

"You're drooling, Owen," Sean laughs as he places a kiss on top of my head.

I pull him into my lap and place a soft kiss against his lips. "I can't help it, love. Between you and Tesoro, I feel like I'm in a constant state of arousal," I chuckled. His cheeks flushed. "So what do you think about her plans for us?"

He stood up and took the seat next to me, going into serious doctor mode. "I think she has more of an agenda than she is letting on," he rested his chin in his hands. "She knows the guys have family and if I know Star, she's going to find a way to keep them connected to them as long as possible. But I do like the idea of her delivering in Charleston."

"How have the studies been going?" He'd been trying to learn about all of our brothers and their specific anatomies.

"Between Orrica and Brigid, I'm learning lots," he grinned. "Although, I'm going to have to ask Triton for some resources if Axel and Silas ever plan to have kids. Aquatic creatures are not my strong suit."

"Any luck finding information for North?"

Sean frowned, "No, it looks like that will be completely up to the Fates. The only recorded instances of vampire births are between two originals, and even those are rare and don't seem to have an explanation." He played with his wedding ring - a habit that had replaced his hair pulling (thankfully) when he was nervous. We had performed a handfasting ceremony when we had returned to Fairie. All of us had married Tesoro, and those of us with bonds also married one another. We had all agreed that she would take Gabriel's last name.

I knelt before him, taking his hands in mine. "No one expects you to solve this, Sean. North knew the risks, we all did." I saw the tears lurking beneath the surface as I kissed him softly. "You, my husband, are far too hard on yourself. I'm the only one allowed to punish you," I teased. His cheeks turned an even deeper crimson as I laughed softly.

"Hey you two," Tesoro said softly as she leaned down to kiss Sean, then me. "What has you in such a deep conversation?"

"Anatomy lessons," Sean chuckled. "I'm not sure I shouldn't attend veterinarian school, it might be more helpful. Between mermen, wolves, and dragons, ugh!"

A pillow flew across the room, "I heard that you fucker!" Gabe yelled, making us laugh.

"I'm not having baby dragons!" Tesoro yelled back at him and Victor. "Shapeshifting is fine, but no eggs!"

Sean's face paled and his eyes went wide, "Fuck, eggs...I never even considered that." Eveleen and I both burst out laughing.

"Luna, I think you just broke Doc," Sean shot him a playful scowl as Kota chuckled and came over, placing her in his lap. "I can't wait for you to really get to spend time with my mom and Jess."

"I can't wait to take her shopping and get stuff for the nursery here and in Charleston," Gabe exclaimed, "Nothing against Fairie, but you are a tad limited on fucking fashion, little wolf." Ahh, the old Gabriel rears his head, I laughed to myself.

"You do remember you are a powerful mage, right Gabe?" Luke teased, "You can just wiggle your fingers and conjure whatever you want.

Gabe shrugged, "What's the fun in that?" I saw more than just me roll my eyes.

"If you don't mind, I think we will move stuff into your place and I'll let Doc Roberts have the Sergeant Jasper for Academy purposes," Axel said.

"Of course. I'd feel better if we were all under one roof truthfully," I admitted. "I was also considering hiring a caretaker for the mansion for when we are in Fairie or on missions." Several nods and verbal agreements came from the group.

"What about you, Loki," Marc asked.

Loki shrugged, "I've been a wanderer for so long, I don't really have an actual home. What I have on my back is all I have, okay, well maybe a few items stashed in various places, but that's beside the point," he grinned.

"Why do I feel like there is so much more to that statement?" Nate commented. Loki didn't elaborate, and instead just gave his signature smirk.

"Ouch," Tesoro groaned, rubbing her stomach. "Which one of you played soccer, 'cause this kid can kick."

Gabe and I both shared a brief glance before he raised a guilty hand. "Although to be fair, I sucked at it," he said sheepishly.

"Come on Queen, I'll draw you a bath before bed," North said as he lifted her in his arms.

"Thank you, mo chosantóir," she said, curling against his chest. I watched them walk down the hall, feeling her happiness seep through the connection.

"I suggest we all call it a night, brothers. Tomorrow will be a long day for everyone." I rose from my chair, pulling Sean with me as we headed to our room. I was excited to return to Charleston, but I also wanted just a little time with Sean.

When I closed the door and locked it, I turned to see Sean already naked on the bed with a sly grin. "What was that about punishments, sir?"

"Oh you cheeky, little boy," I grinned and walked towards the man I loved.

Author's Notes: A brief epilogue to follow, my lovelies.

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