Chapter 40

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Eveleen's POV

The room was dark when I opened my eyes. When I tried to shift, Gabriel's arm tightened around me reflexively. Looking at his face, last night's memories came flooding back. It had been amazing, passionate and everything I could have hoped for. It was as if he knew exactly the right moments to be gentle then dominating. I felt completely safe with him. Even now, the connection was still flowing, just subdued. Having been raised away from my own kind, I'd never been able to see a healthy soul bonding. The members of the coven that had taken me were selfish and cruel. They forced bonds for gain and would often kill the no longer wanted partner when they were deemed useless. I shivered as I recalled my last years there.

"Hey little wolf, come back to me," Gabriel's deep voice whispered in my ear. I blinked several times, finally meeting his gaze. "That was a dark rabbit hole you were going down." He kissed my forehead softly. "You're safe and never going back there, my love."

I sighed, "I know, m'anam."

"North's right, we all need to fucking learn Irish," he chuckled. "So what name have you been calling me?"

"My soul."

His eyes widened. "But, how? I mean you've called me that since before this," he held up our arms.

"In a way, your soul was calling out to mine before I'd even left Ireland. My premonition about the car wreck, I'd had that exact dream almost a dozen times. Every time, your eyes met mine and you were the last thing I'd see before waking. That was before the coven even contacted me about the disappearances." I cupped his jaw in my hand. "The moment I saw you walk out of the temple, I knew our souls were connected, it's why I hid in the back of Victor's car. I had to save you. I just couldn't piece it all together until you stepped through the doors of the manor that day." I ran my fingertips along his bond mark, "You've always been my Gabriel, my m'anam."

He crushed me against him, tears marking his cheeks. "Fuck little wolf, you're killing me here." He pressed kisses to the top of my head, then let out a groan as he heard his phone vibrate. "Fuckers always interrupting..." he grumbled before reaching for his phone. I sat up, starting to get dressed. "Nope, you sit your pretty little ass back in that bed. I'm going to run you a bath and fix breakfast. The damned world isn't on fire yet, so they can fuckin wait." I listened as he stepped into the bathroom and started the water, then came out and walked to my closet. He rifled through my things, mumbling under his breath something about not pretty enough, then brought back a soft white mini sundress with a halter strap. "This should drive Vic crazy enough," he mused.

"Why are you trying to drive Victor crazy?" I asked, eyeing the dress.

"Oh love, you have no idea how much I'm going to enjoy torturing those fuckers with your clothes. It's one of my many talents," he waggled his eyebrows at me, "I think I've already shown you a few other talents I possess." I blushed and made a choking noise. Indeed he had. "Besides, Vic needs some time with you. He's the only one of us to be claimed all alone. Shit, everyone else had you or one of us with them. I know my boy, he'll keep his damn anxiety bottled up until it explodes. And considering he can turn into a fuckin dragon, that might not be a good idea."

I nodded my head, kissing Gabriel before heading to the bath. He clearly loved his brothers, but especially Victor. I think I may need to talk with them about the two of them creating their own soul bond. As I soaked in the tub, he knocked on the door, opening it slowly. He was carrying a platter of fruit and pastries with a steaming cuppa. Damn, I love this man! He fed me while I soaked and we talked about some of the things we saw when the connection had flooded last night. He asked several questions about my experiences at my old coven, and in turn, I asked about the boys' relationship with Sang. I may have made a few threats of unpleasant spells and tortures if I ever got my hands on her. After that, we both agreed to try and curb the flow to avoid overwhelming each other just as we did with the telepathy.

Once I was dressed, we headed to the manor, hands intertwined as he teleported us to the front porch. He really was a natural with magic, and now with the bond fully completed, his powers would get stronger as my magic influenced his own. Walking through the front door, I heard someone suck in a harsh breath, then Gabriel chuckled. I looked up to see Victor, his eyes burning as he took in my outfit.

"You're fucking welcome," Gabriel said as he placed my hand in Victor's.

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