Chapter 48

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Eveleen's POV

 When the thing in front of me made those noises, I knew Victor's suspicions had been confirmed. This wasn't Lydia. I locked and magically sealed the door. Hopefully, Gabriel or Nathan wouldn't be able to undo the spell. I kept open the connection to allow my soul bonds to hear what was going on in the room, but I shut out their pleas to open the door. Now I just had to figure out how to get Sean out of here safely.

Don't reveal your magic. The less this thing knows, the better. I warned him.

Lydia's face twisted and her breathing became labored. "Ylfa, how kind of you to come to us." The creature's voice felt like a thousand scratches across my soul. "Time to go home, little sacrifice. Phineas will be pleased."

Despite my best efforts, my body tensed at his name. "I'm not going anywhere with whatever you are," I retorted sharply. I was stalling at this point, trying to gain more information, and assessing my options to save Sean. "What are you? You're obviously not Lydia. Is she even still alive?"

It cackled and scratched at her face, "This meat suit," it laughed louder, "it lives in the physical sense because I will it, but the disgusting human is gone." The creature stood quickly, launching itself at Sean. Her hands clawed around his neck. "Would you like me to show you how it works, Ylfa? I sense affection for this human." She examined him closely, lifting him off the ground as I tried to come closer. "Tut, tut, tut, one more step, and I'll break his neck."

I met those brilliant green eyes. I love you, my light. I'm sorry. "Release him safely and I will come with you, I give you my word. You know I am not capable of lying."

Eveleen, please, don't do this - he begged in my mind, but I put up the barrier and waited for the creature's reply.

She released him and I quickly waved my hand, teleporting him into the hallway. I could hear them all banging and yelling through the walls now. "Let's go." With a satisfied grin, the creature laughed and grabbed my arm. I looked toward the mirror one last time and projected to all of them. I love you all. Start with the coven. 

 Then we vanished. 

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