Chapter 58

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Trigger Warning/Sensitive Content - self-harm

Jace's POV

When the alarms sounded and the Blackborne team breached the temple, Phineas had bolted. I did my best to follow him, but when he jumped a portal, I held back. I had no way of knowing where it would come out or what would be waiting to attack me. I needed to find Cricket. As I began to return to the room Kota had entered, I heard his howl. It was laden with grief. I ran towards that sound.

No...not my Cricket.

When I reached the room several of the others were already there. They looked defeated. I stepped to the bathroom, seeing Gabe slumped against the door, tears covering his face. He met my gaze, then looked towards the tub. There on the floor was my Cricket in Kota's arms as Sean tried to stop her arms from bleeding. "I can't heal her," Sean sobbed as he kept trying. "She, why did she.."

"To save us," Luke said softly. "To save those already bonded to her from being taken by Erebus." My blood boiled. He was right. My damn stubborn Cricket would rather end her own life than let those she loves to suffer. The room fell silent, and that's when I heard it - her heartbeat. It was faint, but it was there.

"Move," I roared as I shoved Sean away. I didn't have time to be gentle. I quickly ripped my fangs across my arm and lifted her head. Kota realized what I was doing and supported her body. "Drink you stubborn girl. You don't get to leave me, not today Cricket!" I yelled at her. I saw her body twitch as my blood filled her mouth. I massaged her throat, forcing her to swallow.

As the blood began to work, she tried to push me away. Not happening little girl. I continued to force her to swallow as Kota held her still. After several moments, her eyes flew open in a brilliant green shade. Oh, she was pissed - good. That meant she still had some fight left in her. She lifted her finger and flipped me off.

The room filled with relieved chuckles and more tears.  

Author's Notes:  To my real-life "Jace" - thank you for finding me that night.  Thank you for saving me, and loving me through all of my own self-hatred and doubt.  You're the best bestie a gal could ask for even all these years later :)

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