Chapter 31

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Eveleen's POV

Brandon and I had walked down the creepy hallway clutching each other's hands. Gabe and I had been able to repel the shade, but I knew it was still here. Hopefully, they had found the coven members.  Victor... I wanted to cry when I thought of Victor and the burns that covered his body. I hadn't even realized I was crying until Brandon's thumb swiped away a few tears.

"He'll be okay, Eve. Sean will take good care of him, I promise," he said softly, still stroking my cheek. "Come on, let's get this creepy bastard, and then go get ice cream." His goofy grin made me laugh as I rolled my eyes.

We continued down the hall, but somehow it wasn't a hall anymore. We'd walked far enough that we should have reached the back of the house by now. This was either a portal or a magical extension spell. I needed to get Brandon out of here now. "Brandon, you need to go back. Something's not right." I tugged at his hand, but he refused to let me go.

"I'm not leaving you, Firecracker. Where you go, I go," he shook his head. I started to argue when his eyes went wide. I looked up to see not one, but three shades closing in on us. They had effectively trapped us in the corridor and were now coming at us from multiple angles. He protectively pushed me behind him, trying to shield me without success.

I watched in horror as one reached out and grazed his arm. Brandon's skin seemed to darken, then wither, but he stood his ground still trying to protect me. When a shade lunged for me, he pushed me to the ground causing the shade's hand to slice into his chest. I started screaming then. I know I called his name, but at some point I also began screaming spells, trying to form a protective shield around us both. I cradled his head in my lap as I continued to cast, screaming at the approaching shades.

The surrounding air felt like an inferno. My lungs ached as I tried to breathe. Brandon gasped for air, then suddenly stilled. "Brandon! No, don't you stop breathing, damn you. I just found you, you can't die on me, not now!" I leaned down, kissing his lips, begging him to breathe, my tears covering his face. I threw my head back and screamed, "Come forth and claim him! I offer myself in exchange." A bright white light pulsed out from the two of us, pushing the shades away momentarily. The light pulsed around the two of us as the ground began to shake.

I heard an earth-shattering roar and looked up to see flames barreling down the hallway. Wait, not flames, but a figure engulfed in flames - Victor. He seemed to be living flames, his body twisting and contorting as he neared us. I watched in awe as his body began to transform, fire pouring out of his mouth as it took the form of a snout. He directed his fury at the shades attacking us, completely engulfing one of them as the other two fled. I let out a shriek as the house began to collapse around us. This caught Victor's attention. He came to stand before me as his transformation continued. In a matter of seconds, Victor had become a monstrous reddish-black dragon.

Stay within my wings, little jewel. I will protect you both - his voice was a rich timbre in my mind, soothing and comforting me. I briefly touched his snout before letting his wings envelop us. I couldn't see what was happening, but it felt as if the world was falling. Instead, I focused on trying to keep Brandon breathing, still pleading with Cailleach to take my life in place of his.

Open your eyes little one.

Victor had withdrawn his wings and stepped back. The scene around us looked like a disaster area. The house was nothing but a pile of rubble now. The other boys were scattered on the lawn in various states of panic and disbelief. Sean was the first to reach us. "Help him, please," I cried, clutching Brandon's good hand. Sean sucked in a shocked breath when he saw the blackened flesh and wounds. He began muttering to himself and removing Brandon's shirt.

"This is beyond my skills, Eveleen," he sobbed. "I don't know how to help him." His face was stricken as he spoke. I could see the guilt he felt, the helplessness. I reached out my hand to touch him but stopped when I heard a soft voice behind him.

"Oh my child, you have more than enough skill to heal him. What you lack is belief in yourself. Her mistakes are not yours. You must let go of your pain and remember who you are, Sean." The woman knelt behind Sean, her hand placed on his shoulder. Her aura was pure light.

His eyes were round saucers as he spoke, "Wh..who are you? How do you know my name?"

Her laugh was a soft musical tone, "I've been with you since your first mother left you in that dumpster. Your soul is such a pure light that I couldn't help but be attracted to it, my son. I've watched you struggle and overcome every obstacle until you thought love had betrayed you. It broke my heart to see your own light dim over these past months and years." She stroked his cheek in a motherly fashion. "I am Brigid, Goddess of healing, prophecy, and light. And you, Sean Green, are my chosen child. I claimed you long ago, but it's time you remember who you are. Now, place your hands over his wounds, summon your light and heal your brother." She gave him a stern but caring look as she motioned to Brandon.

With shaking hands, Sean did as she instructed. He locked eyes with me for a brief moment then focused on Brandon. His hands began to glow with a soft golden hue as they hovered over the wounds, healing them completely. Brandon sat up gasping for air and clearly confused. When he seemed to have remembered where he was, he turned to me. "Firecracker, is every date going to be this interesting?" he teased. A collective breath was released from the group and some even laughed. A loud snort drew our attention.

"Anyone want to address the fucking proverbial dragon in the yard?" Gabriel exclaimed. "Seriously Vic, do you always have to be the center of attention," he taunted the dragon. Victor let out a loud roar and transformed into his human form. As he came closer I could see a large tattoo on his shoulder of the Greek letter Typhon. He'd been claimed. I gave him a thankful smile.

I turned my attention back to Sean. Brigid had him in a tight embrace as his shoulders shook. I bowed my head to her in respect. While she wasn't my patron, I had a deep respect for her as a Goddess. Love him well, daughter of Cailleach. Blessings. I nodded my head. She gave Sean a kiss on his forehead and vanished.

That makes three. I'm guessing seven more to go.

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