Chapter 13

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Eveleen's POV

Steel grey eyes locked onto mine. I watched in slow motion as the demon launched a fireball at the man. He crouched over the body of his blond-haired friend, willing to take the deadly attack to protect him. Without hesitation, I jumped in between the demon and the two men, screaming out the curse, making the demon explode, but the fireball still hit me. The grey-eyed man let out a cry as my world turned black.

I sat up clutching my chest where the demonic hit would have made contact. My breathing was erratic and it took me a few moments to remember where I was. I stumbled to the shower and then threw on a simple dress. It would be a few more hours before the sun rose, but I knew I wouldn't be sleeping anymore tonight.

Gathering a blanket, I took myself out to the porch swing. I lit the small oil lanterns that hung from the railing. Listening to the bugs, I began to sing softly, weaving a simple nature spell. I watched as the water in the pond swirled and danced, making small arches and fountains. Despite the reason I was here, this was a really beautiful place.

My eyes drifted to the manor across the pond. I noticed a single light shone from the main floor. I wonder what had one or more of those men up at such an hour? I also wondered what the jolts had meant when I touched the three men recently. I've never felt anything like it before. I needed to stretch more than just my legs. Walking out to the pond, I raised my arms and began to chant.

Éist liom Cailleach - líon mé. (Hear me Cailleach - fill me.) The water began to rise and create a tunnel as I stepped out. I passed through the water portal, finding myself in Ireland again at the base of Cailleach's grove. Meditating for what seemed like hours, I finally stepped out of the water and back on the grass in front of the cottage. My strength was renewed and the ground bloomed as I walked, leaving a trail of soft snowdrop buds. I giggled like a little girl as I danced in the moonlight.

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