Chapter 103

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Nate's POV

Kota had stormed out of the main room in search of Luke and Valkyrie. I could see his eyes flashing amber as he left, knowing that his wolf was pushing him to find her. It seems like we all were running in circles just trying to survive right now. For a moment, I felt my jealousy flash, feeling her reactions to Luke, but then I remembered the day by the pond with Gabe, and again in the apartment with Kota. The more I thought about it, I think my jealousy is really more fear, fear that I can't save her.

I think we all took a breath of relief when the connection closed. Hey, I'm staying with Luna and Luke for a while, Kota's voice sounded in my head. I marked her.

I chuckled, not surprised, man. How did Luke handle it?

Well, um, we - he stuttered - we had sex. Whoa, okay, didn't expect that. I mean I knew Kota was bi, hell, we've experimented, but I didn't know he had an interest in Luke. I guess he got worried when I didn't respond. Are you mad at me?

What, no, I guess I'm just surprised, I responded hesitantly. Do you love him? I had to ask, but I'm not sure I really wanted to hear the answer.

Yeah, he replied softly. I sucked in a breath, not sure what to say or how to feel. Why was this bothering me so much? Nate? Are you still there? Fuck, I'm screwing this up, he grumbled. I'm not even sure if he realized he was still sending his thoughts to me.

Kota, it's fine. You love who you love. There's nothing wrong with it, and I know Valkyrie won't be upset. I tried to reassure both of us.

That's not it, he almost yelled. You idiot, I love you too, and now I don't know how to tell you or Luke!

I choked on my own saliva for a moment then let out a howling laugh. I think you just told me, man.

Kota gasped, wait, what? Oh shit, you heard all that. I could imagine him slapping his face as he groaned.

I chuckled, yeah, Kota, we're all good. I feel the same way about you. I guess I worried that when you said you and Luke were together, that you didn't...

Don't even finish that sentence, Nate - Kota growled. I had a crush on you just as long as I've had one on Luke. You're the only man I've ever been with until now.

I felt the blush cover my face. I didn't know that. Me too, I whispered. Look, relax and stay with them. Maybe we can all three sit down and talk later or in the morning, okay?

Okay, he mumbled, just please don't leave me, Nate. I can't bear to lose any of you.

I shook my head even though he couldn't see me. Kota, I'm not going anywhere, and if I know Luke, he isn't either. I love you, too. We'll figure it all out.

I heard him sigh, thanks - I love you, too

I headed to our room and passed Victor in the hallway. "You good?"

"Yeah, just a weird day, hell, month for that matter," I nodded.

He gave a loud laugh and rolled his eyes. "That may just be the understatement of the year, Nate." I gave him a sour face and then laughed. He was right. "It will work out, you know." I raised my eyebrows, unsure exactly what he was referring to. "Kota and you. Luke won't pull him away and Jewel won't either. Just trust your feelings."

I sputtered, my mouth gaping, "How did you know?"

He tapped the side of his nose and chuckled. "A dragon's sense of smell is as strong if not stronger than a wolf's. I couldn't have missed it if I wanted to. I've known about you and Kota for a while now, but when today happened, it surprised me too."

I was stunned. Damn, that's got to be difficult. "Can you ignore it, or does it just happen? Sorry, not trying to be nosy, no pun intended," I grimaced.

He threw his head back and laughed, "All good, man! And to answer your question, no I can't turn it off, much like Kota and North can't turn off their heightened senses now either. We're just learning to adapt and try to filter out, or basically ignore, what we can." He ran his hand through his hair, "Of course with Luke's dinner show, it was really difficult to ignore anything. Not to mention Gabe's a fucking energizer rabbit in bed," he added rolling his eyes. "Even with dragon stamina, he wears me out."

I snorted, trying to hold back my laughter, which made Victor break out laughing as well. I slapped his back, "Too much info, but thanks for the advice about Kota and Luke, Vic. I appreciate it." He gave me a smile and we both headed to our respective rooms.

Author's Notes:  Okay, things are about to move quickly from here as we approach a climax.  That being said, work is also picking up, so I'll do my best to update at least daily.  

Pssst...don't tell, but I have no idea how this story is ending.  I started out with an idea, but the characters decided to get all sassy and change plans.  They've changed things on me so much that I've actually had to make a plot map.  Between Kota throwing in twists, and Loki, I'm open to suggestions on an ending.

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