Chapter 133

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Cailleach's POV

"Can we go home now?" Eveleen asked.

"Not quite, Princess of the Fae," a deep voice boomed. There was a clap of thunder and suddenly we were all in a clearing. Shit. The Council of the Gods. I knew they would demand an answer about Eveleen and Loki's bonding, but I didn't think they'd do it this fast.

"See to your charges," I said quickly to the others. Each moved closer to their charge or charges except Loki and myself. Odin pulled Luke and Marc to his area, nodding to Loki.

"Loki Laufeyson and Eveleen Shea, you are charged with violating the code of Immortal bonding. How do you each plead?"

Before they could respond, I spoke, "They do not plead anything, Zeus. Their connection was intact before they bonded. Neither of them should be punished for being in love."

"Stay out of this, witch," he roared at me, "The law applies to all. Love has nothing to do with it."

I heard Nyx snort, "Says the God who rapes mortals and goddesses as he pleases. You wouldn't know love if it bit you in the ass." Zeus looked like he wanted to argue, but even he knew better than to cross Nyx.

"Why are you all here? You each know the rules."

"We are here because something is amiss. This isn't a matter of chance, Zeus and you know it," Helios said, his eyes blazing in anger. "What are you hiding?"

Zeus flustered, "I'm not hiding anything. Loki is a God, she is a Fae, and despite having an extended life, she's not immortal or a goddess. This isn't acceptable." He turned to face them both. "You want to have sex, make babies, play house, fine, but that bond," he pointed to the tattoos they both wore, "those are going too far."

Wait, the marks!

"Eveleen, did you place the soul bond marks on any of your chosen?" I asked her.

She shook her head in confusion, "No, they just appeared when we bonded during, um, well, um during sex." Her cheeks were a bright red hue as she tried to hide her face.

I turned to Gabriel, "Gabriel, you were her first bond, yes?" He nodded. "Did you place the marks on your arm or hers?"

"I wouldn't have even known how, so no, I didn't." He gave me a curious look, then smiled. He's figuring it out as well.

Loki was already grinning when I asked him, "Did you place the mark on her or yourself?"

"No," he replied, "The connection started when we first touched. It was like an electrical connection, then when we consummated our connection an emotional and mental bond formed. During that formation, the tattoos appeared on both of us."

"Can a bond be forced on someone?" I asked.

"Yes, but a connection cannot." He said sharply.

"What is the point of all of this, witch," Zeus growled. "I haven't heard any denial of the bond, so that means they are guilty."

"Just a damn minute you stubborn ass," I quipped. "Loki, how long have you known about your soulmate?"

He cringed. I knew this was a painful subject, but it proved my point. He took a deep breath, "About three thousand years," he said. "I started having visions of her then, but didn't know her identity until after I'd claimed two of her other soulmates as my charges." Eveleen gasped. I take it he hadn't told her that little detail.

I turned back to Zeus and the others that were still shrouded on the council, "This wasn't a whim. Something larger is at play and I'll be damned if I see you interfere," I shouted.

He slammed his fist on the table before him, "Silence!"

The air crackled as Perun roared, "Nyet! Fate is involved. Let Fate speak to the matter." All the patrons and even several of the council began to demand the same thing. This was what I had hoped for. Now I just had to have faith that I was right.

Loki stepped closer to Eveleen and wrapped his arm around her, "No matter what happens, ástvinur, I will never regret my bond with you." He kissed her on the forehead as she leaned into him.

My heart clenched. I really hope I'm right about this.

A slight wind blew across the clearing as three shrouded women walked across the grass. I didn't recognize this trio. They were not the Greek Fates.

"The Norns," Loki gasped softly and fell to his knees. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Odin do the same followed by Gabriel, Nathan, Luke, and Marc. Even Morrigan bowed her head to them. This was monumental. Loki was about to face the ultimate power in his own pantheon. The word of the Norns was indisputable, not even Zeus could argue their decision.

"Stand Loki Laufeyson, God of Mischief," Urðr commanded. He quickly rose to his feet, his head still slightly bowed to her in respect. "Your past is filled with chaos - usually with neither good nor evil intent despite some claims."

Verðandi stepped forward and took both Loki and Eveleen's hands in hers, "Your present is filled with sadness, frustration, and now love. Your intent is pure." She smiled at them and pressed a kiss to both their palms in blessing. I could see the tears in Loki's eyes at her words, he was shaking slightly.

The final of the trio stepped to them, "Your future, both your futures are intertwined with each other, and with these others," she motioned to Eveleen's chosen. "Loki Laufeyson, your path has changed. Your future is no longer solely tied to the Aesir, for it is now tied to hers, to theirs." Skuld turned her milky white eyes toward Zeus and the other council members, "They are not under your rule, nor are they subject to your laws." Her last words rang out over the grove in a challenge.

Zeus didn't say a word but instead bowed his head in acknowledgment. Then Skuld turned back and motioned to Morrigan. She joined the Norns, then spoke to the others, "Gentlemen, please come and place a hand on your love." They all moved forward and enclosed Eveleen.

All four Goddesses intoned, "Én forbindelse, evig og forpliktende." All of them were bathed in a silvery glow for a few moments then it vanished. "It is done," they said, then the Norns vanished.

Loki's eyes were wide as he looked at all of them, then back to the Morrigan, then me. "Did...did they just," he sputtered. I looked at his wrist, then at the rest of them. They each had an unbroken triquetra encircled with an unending serpent tattoo now just below their soul bond markings. He let out a sob and fell to his knees grabbing Eveleen.

"What? What's wrong, why is he crying," she asked me frantically.

I smiled and chuckled, "I believe those are tears of joy, daughter. You have all been joined as one and given the gift of immortality - One connection, eternal and binding."

Author's Notes: One more chapter then an epilogue to go.  

Also, if you are a fan of Zeus or he is your patron, I apologize if I have offended - to quote the bard "Gentles, do not reprehend:  If you pardon, we will mend" ~ Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream

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