Chapter 11

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Sean's POV

 "He seems perfectly fine, Owen. I have no idea why he's rambling on about a woman. It's most likely a hallucination from the shock of what happened." I sat in my best friend's office trying to wrap my head around the day's events. If Victor and Gabe were to be believed, they had been attacked by something not human. Then Gabe claims a woman appeared in the car, spoke in his mind, and magically rescued them both from the submerged car. Just what had we gotten ourselves into with this case?

I could see the same questions swirling in Owen's expression. "Did I make a mistake, Sean?" I hated hearing the doubt in his voice. Ever since we found out about Sang, he had second-guessed his every move. He and Kota both felt like they had led the family to fall apart. They blamed themselves for not seeing her betrayal.

"No. We did this to make sure Jessica and others are safe. Every mission is a risk. We all know that going in." I tried to reassure him, but I'm not sure I believed my own words. I let out a long sigh.

"Everyone needs to be in pairs or groups. No going alone until we figure out what we are up against." Owen said flatly. "I can't lose anyone else."

I gave him a pat on the shoulder as we walked out of the office to talk with the family about assignments for tomorrow.  

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