Chapter 109

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Mature Content Warning - M/F

Gabriel's POV

I had just barely fallen asleep with both of them in my arms when I began to hear her pleas in my mind. I don't know if it was the soul bond or the dragon connection, but somehow I could hear Victor as well. I felt myself becoming angry - no, furious that someone was hurting her again and focused on her cries for help. When she screamed our names, I suddenly found myself in a dark chamber and saw Phineas on top of her unmoving body.

I let out a roar and heard Victor's at the same time. Go to her, I've got him, he said in my mind. He grabbed the bastard by the neck as I surrounded little wolf, trying to calm her. Phineas was in the process of trying to rape her again when we arrived. I wanted to kill him, but Victor was already ripping him apart. Once the man was dead, she suddenly seemed able to move again.

" it you, mo dhragún?" She asked in a timid voice.

He came closer, falling to the floor, bowing his head. "I'm so sorry, my Jewel. I wasn't strong enough to fight the shadows and I hurt you, I hurt both of you," he said, looking between us. "I know I do not deserve your forgiveness. I cannot undo the damage I've caused. And I'm even more sorry for what I need to tell you both now." His chest shook as he took a deep breath, "Gabriel needs to complete the spell."

I growled, baring my fangs at him, and wrapped my tail around her, "Why the fuck would I do that to her?" Victor lowered his head in submission and then began to explain what had happened and why I had to finish the fucking spell.

At first, I was livid - how dare he expect me to hurt her the way he had hurt me? Then, my little wolf shamed me with her memories. When she threw all of our words back at me, it stung. She was right, Victor wasn't in control of his actions or thoughts. He didn't hurt us, the fucking shadows along with Phineas and Erebus did this to all of us. I hung my own head in shame as Victor said his goodbyes to her. Then she turned to me with wide eyes as she started to realize what was about to happen.

The look on her face as she studied my dragon form was priceless. I could see her trying to work out the logistics in her mind, and it wasn't adding up. Hell, nothing about this added up. Would this be considered beastiality or interspecies sex...why the fuck is this even a discussion? I tried to figure out a way to merge my magic with my new dragon powers as Victor had said, but I was drawing a blank. I can't even describe the pain I felt when he, well, did what he did. I can't do that to her regardless of consent!

I don't know how to do this, I'm scared - I called out in my mind to Victor.

Use your saliva to numb her, then use your magic from Odin to make her body adapt without harming her, he said quietly. Just before you cum, breathe into her lungs with your fire breath, and imagine sealing the stone in your mind to make it actually happen. She's going to be exhausted after, especially if she chooses not to transform right then.

What magic will help her body change, I wondered as she laid her head against my chest making circles along my scales. Even in dragon form, her touch was getting me hard. I wanted to feel her against me, but I didn't want to hurt her.

"Ahem," a voice sounded behind us, "Maybe I can help." Odin stepped closer, looking me over critically. "Hmmm, I knew you were powerful when I claimed you Gabriel, but I had no idea you'd be able to accomplish this. Quite impressive," he nodded, rubbing his beard.

I gave a chortling sound, then asked, "So how can you help? Victor says the magic you gave me will keep her safe, but I have no idea where to start."

"Oh my boy, I didn't give you anything!" he boomed, clapping his hands. "Don't you see, you had the magic all along. It's how your soul called to her in the first place, but you already figured that out, didn't you Little Wolf?" his eyes shone as he smiled at her.

She batted her eyelashes, acting all innocent. Fucking hell, he was right - she already fucking knew I had magic. I gave her a playful nudge with my snout, "Little wolf, do you need to explain something?" Her cheeks flushed crimson.

"I suspected when you gave me the flower tattoo, but I didn't know for sure until the day we bonded." She kept making those circles. I could feel myself getting harder, craving her touch. "If I had to guess, I'd say your mother was a witch. Her magic passed naturally to you, but when you lost her at such a young age, there wasn't anyone to teach you, to help it develop properly. So it sat dormant until the Fates crossed our paths." Odin gave a nod of agreement before returning to the topic at hand.

"Here's the thing, Gabriel, your seiðr is a part of you. Much like Loki, you don't need spells, you need your own will and imagination to create magic." He tousled Eveleen's hair and grinned, "Picture in your mind what you want, how you want her to feel and it will happen. Use the bond to let her help tell you what her body needs at the moment."

I'm sure my eyes were bulging at this point. "I can fucking do what?" I stammered. "Are you really telling me I can do a fuckin spell just by thinking about it? Shit, where the fuck was this skill in high school?" They both laughed at my sarcasm, but then I had a scary thought. "Wait, what if in the heat of the moment, um, I think of something that isn't safe for her?" If dragons blushed, I guarantee my face was burning.

Odin gave a barking laugh, "Couldn't happen," he said, shaking his head. "Your connection to her is so strong you will protect her without even realizing it. Think about it, you were unconscious and still heard her cries deep in your soul. You pulled a very injured Victor - who you healed by the way - into the dream pocket with you with one purpose - to protect your mate, your soulmate."

I blinked slowly. Shit, I didn't even realize I'd done that, or how I'd done it. My head lowered to encircle her. Little wolf reached up and stroked my snout, "I love you m'anam. I know you won't hurt me." Instinctually, I made a purring vibration. Her eyes glazed and she moaned as my tail wrapped around her, my scales grazing her still exposed skin.

Odin cleared his throat, "Ahem, that's my cue to leave. Have fun you two," he grinned, "Oh and I can't wait to meet my grandbaby." He gave a sly wink and vanished. Grandbaby? What the fuck?

The feel of her hands along my neck brought my attention back to her. Remembering what Odin had said about my magic, I envisioned the grove Eveleen had shown me when we first came to Ireland. The dark room began to transform into Cailleach's grove as I created a soft bed to lay her on. Despite being in dragon form, I was able to make my size considerably smaller as I lifted her in my talon and placed her on the bed. Her breath was shaky as her eyes locked on mine. I began to run my tongue along her folds, flicking over her clit, then pressing inside of her. She gripped the bedsheets, moaning and arching as her orgasm built. "M'anam," she cried as her body began to shake, her juices flooding my tongue. I continued to lap at her insides, trying my best to numb her for what was to come.

Using my snout, I nudged her onto her stomach. "Pull your knees up under you tightly, little wolf, and spread your hips wide for me," I growled, fighting to maintain control. She was dripping wet, her folds slick as I began to press inside of her. I visualized her body shifting and adapting to my size as I continued to press inside. Her cries and whimpers of pleasure were driving me crazy. I felt the vibration from earlier begin deep inside my chest again as my pace increased. Little wolf began to quiver as her body expanded to accept me. The sheet was fisted in her hand, pulled close to her mouth as she panted. I could feel every part of her as I began to thrust in and out of her.

It was as if my mind was shrouded in fog as my dragon began to take over, instincts driving me to fill her womb. Her cries were drowned out by my growls and roars as I pounded deeper inside of her. I felt my own release building and gently lifted her neck, bringing my snout over her mouth. She moaned as I filled her lungs with my breath. In my mind, I could see the red stone heating and sealing as I shared my dragon fire with her. Little wolf's body felt hot against my scales as she breathed in deeply. A whine escaped her lips when I pulled away, "Mate."

Hearing her say that one word sent my dragon into a frenzy. I felt my body heat along with hers as I began to flood her insides with my cum. 

Author's Notes:  This was downright awkward to write...

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