Chapter 45

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Marc's POV

I pulled up in the manor driveway still trying to figure out what had Brandon in such a panic. Something about a girl and a mission the Blackbourne team was working on. I wondered if they were trying a new bird. Surely not. I mean it hasn't even been a year since... I couldn't even finish my own thought without the urge to vomit.

Getting out of the car I saw Gabe and Nate in the front yard. Were they fighting with swords? What the hell? I knocked on the door, and Luke opened it.

"Hey Marc, glad you're here! Come on in," he said, opening the screen door wide.

I tilted my head towards the front yard, "Is that normal?"


"Um, Nate and Gabe sword fighting. Are you guys doing some kind of job at a ren fair?" I joked. Luke poked his head out the door, then stepped onto the porch.

"Well fuck me," he mumbled. "Hey North, come out here!"

"What's up, Luke? Oh, hey Marc, glad you're here," North said as he stepped out with Brandon trailing behind him. I pointed towards the yard. "Well, I'll be damned. Looks like Nate got claimed," he said with a low whistle.

"Odin?" Luke asked.

North nodded, "Yeah, most likely if he's out there with Gabe. It's a good fit for him. He's a fighter so it makes sense." They all stood watching while I was getting more confused by the minute. Why were they talking about Norse gods and what did they mean, 'claimed'?

"Ouch!" Luke said, wincing as we watched Gabe's sword nick Nate's arm. "That was a wicked hit." He yelled across the yard, "Hey remember Sean can't heal battle wounds, you idiots!" They both flipped him off and began sparring again.

"Guys, could someone explain what the actual fuck is going on around here?" I demanded, raising my hands in frustration.

"Shit, Marc, yeah, come on in and we'll explain everything we can," Brandon said finally. "Crazy as it sounds, we are all just getting used to the weird stuff happening." I rolled my eyes, still confused, but followed them inside.

Owen and Sean were sitting on the couch holding hands and deep in conversation when we came in. They both looked up and Owen flashed me a smile - a real smile, not that thin line grimace thing he used to do. Now, I know things are really weird. "Marc," he greeted me, holding out his hand as he stood. "Thanks for coming. I know Brandon was a bit vague on the phone, and that's partially my fault." He glanced at Sean, "To be honest, I wasn't sure you'd come if we told you everything over the phone." Well, now I'm fuckin intrigued.

"By the way, we're pretty sure Nate's been claimed by Odin," Luke told Owen before taking a seat. "He and Gabe are playing with swords out in the yard."

Sean made a strangled noise, "Don't they know I can't heal those wounds?" He slapped his hand to his forehead. "Owen, I'll be right back. I need to go check on the children." He gave him a quick kiss and then headed out the front door, yelling at the two men as he went. Huh? Since when were Owen and Sean a thing?

A soft giggle drew my attention. I turned to see Kota and Silas walking down the stairs with a petite brunette followed by Victor. Kota's arm was around her waist and she leaned into him, but at the same time, she was holding Silas's hand. I guess they are trying with a new bird.

"Hey Firecracker, how are you feeling?" Brandon asked the brunette as he pulled her away from them and hugged her tightly. He gave her a cheeky grin as he looked at a mark on her forearm. "Hmm, seems someone had an eventful morning." She blushed crimson. Damn, that blush looked sexy on her.

"Stop teasing me, mo spréach," she giggled, kissing his cheek. She turned towards me. "Oh, I'm sorry, how rude of me. I'm Eveleen." She held out her hand and when I grasped her fingers, I felt like my heart had exploded. Her eyes went wide, pupils were blown and she moaned slightly, falling against Brandon. I felt like my knees were giving out and I reached out to steady myself on a nearby chair.

"Guess that answers that question," North chuckled. "So when do we invite Axel over? What about Corey and Raven - are they even in the States?"

Catching my breath, "What the hell was that? And why do you need to find the others?"

North clapped my back, "Oh man, we've got a lot to get you caught up on, but for what it's worth, welcome to the family." I just shook my head, getting more confused by the minute.

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