Chapter 22

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Gabriel's POV

 "I also don't know why it attacked the two of you. You appear to have no magic, and shades usually prey on magical beings or those they have been summoned to kill." The look of pure fear in her eyes when she answered Owen made my blood run cold. I needed to touch her, to hold her. I set my fork down and went to her chair, lifting her into my lap. I could feel her trembling as she fought back the tears. "I'm here and we're safe, my beautiful miracle," I whispered in her ear as I stroked her hair. She clung to me, closing her eyes.

The rest of the room was silent, but I didn't care. She needed me and I needed her. I don't understand exactly what is happening, but I meant what I told her earlier. I never want to let her out of my sight.

I absentmindedly traced a design on her thigh with my fingers as I held her. She made a small whimpering sound and shifted in my arms. "How did you do that?" she gasped. I looked down and saw the faint outline of a tattoo on her thigh appear. It was the flower design I'd been tracing a few moments earlier. She lightly touched the design and suddenly the outline darkened. I ran my finger over it after hers and the colors burst forth - bright orange and red hues filled in the petals, and the stem was a deep green with light areas as if the sun were shining down on the flower.

"What the hell?" Sean choked out as he saw the tattoo take form and color. Soon the others were crowding close to see.

My eyes met Eveleen's - what just happened? I thought.

You just did magic, m'anam (my soul).

My eyes widened when I realized she had replied to my thoughts. Wait, you can hear me? How...

I think, my Gabriel, that you have some hidden talents - she said with a coy smile.

My heart felt like it would burst. She called me hers and that's what I wanted to be - her Gabriel.

"Is anyone going to explain what just happened?" North yelled in a booming voice. Stupid fucker is always yelling.

"Oy! You're ruining my moment here, North!" I shouted back with a laugh, then turned and kissed the beautiful woman in my arms.

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