Chapter 54

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Trigger Warning/Sensitive Content - non/con rape, sexual abuse

Eveleen's POV

Reggie had brought me to an opulent bedroom and more than helped me get cleaned up. I'd been unable to resist as he'd groped me in the shower under the pretense of making sure I was presentable for Phineas. He'd leered at my body, inspecting and touching me. Luckily, that's all he did. I think even he knew that if he'd violated me, both Phineas and Erebus would skin him alive - literally.

I sat trying to recognize the reflection in the mirror when I heard a tapping at the small window. I looked over to see two very animated pigeons. The tapped then fluttered about before landing on the sill again. Stupid birds. Reggie's knock drew my attention away from the window. He held his hand out to help me up, "You look positively divine, Ylfa." He leaned in, his lips just millimeters from my ear, "I'm quite jealous of Erebus. I had so hoped to explore your talents, but alas, you can't argue with a Shadow God now can you." His lips grazed my skin, making me flinch in disgust, but he appeared to not notice. Instead, he grasped my arm and linked it with his, and led me to the dining hall.

The doors swung open to reveal a room filled with coven members, shades, and demons. In the midst of all of them stood Phineas, looking smug like usual. "Ahh, Ylfa, my darling girl, there you are," he exclaimed, walking to me quickly and placing a chaste kiss on my cheek. He took my hands from Reggie and spun me around, inspecting me. "Fit for a God if I do say so myself, Ylfa." Unable to lie even in my spelled condition, I chose to remain silent. He led me to the dance floor as a waltz began.

We spun around the floor several times before he began to speak. "I can see by your marks, that you are no longer pure and have created bonds." It wasn't a question, merely an observation so I didn't respond. "Do you love them?"

I had to answer now. "Yes."

"Pity. I'm sure Erebus will make you forget them and remove the bonds. Of course, it will kill them, but you won't care by then." His eyes gleamed as if he spoke about some fantastic thing. "You'll be completely bonded to shadow by then, living only to serve our Shadow God. Or maybe he'll take their souls as well, letting the bond condemn them." My mind reeled. Had I condemned my loves to a fate worse than death? How could I save them when I couldn't even save myself?

He stopped our dance and cupped my chin, "I was so angry when you went away, but now you can make up for your defiance. You can help our coven take its rightful place." He placed a kiss on my forehead, "You will be our salvation, sweet girl."

"Why me?" I whispered. He grimaced for a moment, then took my hand and led me to a small parlor. He sat me in a chair and knelt on the floor before me.

His hand stroked my cheek affectionately. "You were born for this, Ylfa. Your mother was Fae and your father was half Dark Fae, half-demon. Erebus sent your father to impregnate your mother. Sadly, despite her love for you, the trauma from the event took its toll." Phineas leaned closer to me, stroking my hair and face. "When news of your mother's death reached the coven, I was ordered to retrieve you. To keep you pure for our God." He put his hands on the back of my head, pulling my lips to his as his hand went to the spot where the soul stone rested. I could feel his magic pulling as he deepened the kiss. I couldn't pull back. He broke the kiss, trailing his tongue across my lips, "I've wanted to do that since you turned fifteen. I've never struggled to obey an order as much as to save your purity."

I could feel my heart racing. I wanted to pull away and run from the room, but his magic held me firm. The ruby dampened my powers and my free will. He inched my dress up, placing kisses along my legs, whispering compliments as his kisses rose higher until his lips hovered over my core. I shivered in disgust, screaming in my own mind. "I know you can't be mine forever, Ylfa, but for tonight I can pretend. I wish you would have come to me willingly. If I were a better man, I would feel guilty about this, but I think we both know I'm not a good man by any measure." He pulled me up and snapped his fingers, teleporting us to what I assumed were his chambers.

With a wave of his hand, our clothing vanished. "I have no desire to lose my own life, so I will not bond with you, Ylfa, but I will take you in every way I want tonight." He tilted my chin to meet his gaze. "By the Shadow of Erebus, I command you Ylfa Dolman, Eveleen Shea to obey me on this night. You will give your body to me willingly. You will enjoy my body in return." I felt the shudder of his spell vibrate within my body as the stone within me was activated. It was as if a flood of desire invaded every inch of my body and I felt myself lean into his hand, whimpering. He let out a low chuckle, "Mmm, that's it Ylfa," he laid me back against the sheets as he trailed kisses over my stomach until his mouth hovered over my core. "I promise you will enjoy this night. I will make every inch of your body come alive until you crave me," he said softly, then covered my clit with his lips and began sucking as he slid his fingers inside of me.

Like an animal trapped in a cage, my consciousness was locked inside that damned stone while my primal urges took the lead. Obeying his spell, my body responded.

Author's Notes: Take a moment, sip a warm cuppa and recover from the trauma before reading the next part - it's going to get worse before it gets better...

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