Chapter 5

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North's POV

Luke had wandered off again. It wasn't until recently that I'd managed to deal with my own grief enough to realize just how much he'd been suffering. I noticed he slipped away as soon as the meeting had ended. I was just about to jump in the Jeep and go looking for him when he came walking out of the woods with a wistful smile on his lips. I don't think I've seen him smile, I mean really smile since Sang left.

"Where'd you run off to, Luke?" I hollered at him.

He jumped up on the porch, still grinning, "Met the neighbor." He jerked his thumb over his shoulder towards the old Walker cabin. I watched him flop down in one of the wicker chairs, playing with a piece of grass. He had a dreamy look on his face.

"You look like the cat that ate the canary, brother. Did they give you chocolate," I scoffed.

"Nope. Just a handshake." He took out his phone and started searching for something. "Huh, really?" he mumbled.


"Oh nothing, just looking up something in Google translate." I waited for him to continue, but he was too lost in his own daydream.

I shook my head and headed back into the house. Now I think I need to meet this neighbor and see what it was that made Luke so dreamy. Not that I'm complaining, he could use a little happiness. Hell, we all could.

Author's Notes:  Sorry for the short chapter.  Just trying to build the relationships and personalities of the characters.  Fair warning, I've kept the Academy boys, but the original books were intended for YA readers and had very surface character development.  My intent is to create fully developed characters, not just the surface details.

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