Chapter 106

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Mature Content Warning - M/M - Trigger warning: sexual violence

Eveleen's POV

My body felt heavy as I tried to open my eyes. I could hear Victor's deep dragon voice, and someone was crying out, screaming in pain. My head lolled to the side and what I saw made my heart stop. Victor was in full dragon form, brutally mounting Gabriel. Mo dhragún held him in his talon as he penetrated him violently while he chanted. Dark tendrils of magic swirled around them as Gabriel screamed and tried to get away. He was begging Victor to listen to him, but when my eyes met Victor's I realized he wasn't in control of himself. His normally brown eyes were solid black.

M'anam, he can't hear you, I cried, he's under shadow influence. I'm so sorry.

Gabriel's eyes turned to me. Close your eyes little wolf, don't watch, please. It will be okay, I promise. Just close your eyes for me, love.

I did as he asked. Closing my eyes, I turned my head as best I could. I tried to drown out the sounds, but couldn't stop looking when I began to hear bones cracking and a loud roar that shook the mountainside. I turned back to see a magnificent dragon before me. His scales were a deep russet color that caught the sunlight. He had his head lowered in a protective stance and roared at Victor.

"M'anam?" I asked.

His head swiveled towards me, his brilliant blue eye falling on me. He let out a loud purring sound and then turned back to face Victor. Stay behind me, little wolf. I will protect you - his deep baritone voice seemed to vibrate in my mind. I tried to drag myself away, standing cautiously, when I felt a jolt of pain shoot through me.

"Why are you fighting this Gabe?" Victor roared. "Let me finish the spell. Jewel will be safe as a dragon, don't you see?" He slammed his tail against the ground, trying to knock Gabriel off his feet.

"I know you're in there somewhere, Vic," Gabriel shouted back. "Please my love, listen to me, to us. If you change her, then Erebus wins. Shadow will consume her just as it has you. He won't let us keep her. He will take her and probably kill us both. Then who will protect her?" He raised his head in a clear challenge. "Hear me please, Victor, hear me," he begged.

Victor snarled, "You fool," then let loose a swath of fire. Gabriel tucked and covered me with his body. Then pushed me further back with his tail.

Try to get into the cave. The others are getting close, little wolf. They will keep you safe if I cannot. Wait, what did he mean? He couldn't leave me.

I tried to call after him, but he launched himself at Victor. My heart felt like it was shattering watching my two loves battle. I was screaming, clutching my chest when I saw them appear at the edge of the cliff. Please help them, I cried out to all of them, then felt myself begin to fall.

North had me in his arms before I could reach the ground. "I've got you, my Queen," he said gently.

"Please stop them. Victor is under shadow control. He has no idea what he's doing. Don't hurt him." I begged.

"What about Gabe? Is he being controlled?" North asked.

I shook my head, "No, Victor completed the spell to transition him, but somehow he isn't under shadow control. He was trying to protect me, fr...from Victor." I was sobbing now, the pain in my chest seemed doubled.

"Sean!" North yelled as he looked down at my chest. My eyes followed his gaze. My chest was almost completely black now. I looked up to see everyone battling Victor. Zura was trying to magically subdue him with Nathan's help. Luke and Marc had become some kind of serpents and kept wrapping themselves around his legs and wings in an attempt to restrain him.

"Star, can you hear me?" Sean's hands were over my chest glowing. His voice sounded like it was coming from a tunnel. I blinked and smiled at him then heard a shattering roar. Looking up I saw Gabriel's jaw clamp down on Victor's neck and heard a sickening sound of skin and scale breaking. In seconds, they were both in human form as Gabriel cradled Victor's bleeding form in his arms, crying. "North, watch her," Sean said as he ran towards them.

I let out a strangled cry as I watched Sean trying to heal Victor. The last thing I remember was hearing Gabriel's cries.

Author's Notes:  Cliffhanger...don't hate me!

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