Chapter 38

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Mature content warning M/F

Eveleen's POV

Kota shut the door behind us and carried me to the bed, setting me down gently as he knelt in between my legs on the floor before me. He ran his fingers along my cheek softly. "You're so beautiful," he whispered. He leaned in and kissed my lips again, but softer this time. He tugged at the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head, leaving me in just my underwear. I hid my wings as he leaned me back on the bed, his lips trailing along my skin. His hands skimmed across my stomach and then began to pull down my panties.

I gasped when I felt his tongue swipe across my clit. He paused to pull off his own shirt, then putting his hands on my knees, he pulled my legs wide apart before running his tongue along my folds. His hands kneaded my thighs and ass as he continued to lick my folds, occasionally dipping his tongue inside me. I couldn't stop the moans that escaped my lips as the knot in my stomach began to build. "Kota," I breathed, "please." He hummed against my clit and I felt him slide a finger inside my wetness, then a second one while his tongue continued to stroke me. I tried to buck my hips as he began to thrust his fingers in deeper and faster, but he placed a firm hand on my stomach, holding me down, giving me a warning growl.

Wait, a growl - like a real animal growl.

I tried to break free, but his thrusts increased. Cum for me, my Luna. I'm not sure if it was his command or the shock of hearing him in my mind, but my body shattered as I came against his mouth, screaming his name. He quickly pulled me fully onto the bed and climbed on top of me, his eyes locking on mine. I gasped when I saw them flash a golden amber color.

"Kota," I said in a low voice. "Kota, can you hear me?" He growled again, pressing his face against my neck. He sniffed me. Oh, fuck. Was this really about to happen? "I need Kota back, please," I demanded softly.

I felt his tongue drag across the hollow of my neck and my entire body betrayed me as I wrapped myself around him. He still had his pants on, but my core was dripping. A deep vibration started in his chest as he began to grind against me, pressing me deep against the mattress. My mind felt hazy with lust, but I asked again, "Please, I need to speak to Kota. He wouldn't want this to happen this way. Please."

"I won't force you, little mate," a deep voice said through Kota. "You just smell so divine...he's so unsure of himself, but he will learn quickly."

"Who am I speaking to?"

"I'm Cade, little mate, Kota's wolf. Selene has blessed him as one of her chosen." Kota's wolf said, again licking my neck and collarbone. "Mmm...I want to mark you," he growled again.

I tried to shift away but was caged beneath him. "Soon, but not now. Kota needs time to adjust, and so do I. Will he remember any of this? Can he hear our conversation?"

Cade nodded his head, brushing his lips over mine. "Yes, mate, he can hear everything. Even though he hesitates, he longs to be with you as well. I will withdraw now. Selene is coming to speak with him." Like a shadow passing, Kota's eyes shifted back to their natural green shade. With a frightened expression, he scrambled off of me, pressing himself tight against the headboard.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't, I mean it wasn't, well I guess it kinda was, oh fuck," he rambled. His breathing was becoming erratic as he panicked.

I reached out and grabbed his hand, pushing calming waves towards him. "Kota, listen to me. You didn't do anything to me and neither did Cade. I know this is all new, but you have been given a rare gift."

"She's right, child. I haven't created a new line of wolves in over a thousand years." Selene stood at the foot of the bed, silvery hair cascading over her pale shoulders. She stepped towards Kota, grasping his other hand. "If you do not want my gift, I will not force it upon you, Kota."

"But why me?" he asked in a shaky voice. "What makes me worthy of this? How will becoming a werewolf help protect Eveleen?"

Selene gave a small laugh, "You are asking the right questions. That's part of the reason I chose you. Your mind is rather amazing for a human. You see things from a very logical place, and by adding a wolf, you will be able to assess the world with a perfect balance of reason and passion. Wolves are instinctual creatures. You, Kota, already have nearly flawless instincts, but you hold yourself back far too often. By merging you and Cade, you will be able to protect your mate in all situations." She placed her hand over both mine and Kota's. "There will be a time soon where you cannot go, but your wolf can. This is my gift to you, if you accept it."

"Will it hurt?" He asked hesitantly.

"The first time, yes. After that, your body will remember and it won't hurt anymore. It's not like the movies where you are a slave to the moon cycles. While the full moon will pull you to shift, and mate once you've completed the bond, you can shift at will. I will only compel you to change the first time, after that it is completely up to you."

Kota turned his attention back to me, pulling me into his lap. "How long do fairies live?"

"We are almost immortal. I'll stop aging on my next birthday, unless I magically alter it." I turned towards Selene. "How long?"

"Once you mate, your life spans will match."

Kota straightened his back, "I accept. So when do I change?"

A mischievous grin spread across Selene's face, "Now." She clapped her hands together and we found ourselves standing in the front yard bathed in moonlight despite the fact that it wasn't even noon yet. I could hear the others trampling out onto the front porch. I held my hand up signaling them to stay back.

Kota made a yelping noise and grabbed his stomach. I tried to comfort him, but he pushed me away. His head snapped up and I saw the amber glow again. "I love you," he said between gritted teeth.

I dropped to my knees, wanting to help him, but knowing I couldn't. "I love you, too, Kota." He dropped to the ground, twisting and crying out in pain. My eyes watered watching as his flesh tore and bones broke. I owed it to him to watch. It seemed like hours passed, but it was only a few minutes, and then there on the ground, panting heavily was a huge deep brown wolf.

I crawled towards him slowly. He gave a warning growl, stopping me in my tracks. I held out my hand, letting him get my scent. When he began to whimper and nose at my hand, I moved forward again until I was right beside him. I ran my fingers through his fur, laying my head against his side. I heard the deep vibration again and felt my body relax. "I love you," I whispered.

I love you too, little mate. We both do, and we swear to always protect you. Cade's voice echoed softly in my mind. Now, if you don't mind, Kota and I need to work some things out, so we are going for a hunt. We will return before dawn. I started to move away, but Cade quickly pinned me beneath him and put his snout in the crook of my neck. My body shivered beneath him and I could hear his chuckle in my mind as he stepped away and took off for the woods.

"He will be fine, Fairy. We've both chosen well," Selene said, helping me up from the ground. "Now I'll leave you to explain this to the others." With that, she vanished. I turned to the porch and was greeted by a chorus of questions and comments.

Of course, Gabriel's was the loudest voice, "Okay you fuckers, pay up! Told you Kota was next." I rolled my eyes at him. He just gave me a mischievous grin. Should I place a bet on who claims you first, my little wolf? I felt my blush travel the length of my body as he walked to me. Then again, standing naked in the yard looks good on you.

I gasped, looking down. "Shite"

He pulled me close and whispered in my ear, "Wanna see a trick?" Then he snapped his fingers and teleported us to the cottage.

Author's Notes:  This was not my original intention for Kota, but I struggled writing my original thoughts so many times that I put the computer away for a few days.  The particular plot twist came in the form of a dream one night.  It just seemed to fit Kota so perfectly.  Let me know what you think my lovelies!

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