Chapter 4

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Luke's POV

After Owen had shared the mission details, the argument ensued. Some of my brothers were more than ready to dive in, while others like me were still nursing our wounds from Sang. Both my confidence and mental health had taken a dive when she left. I withdrew from the entire family. Heck, I didn't even crave sweets anymore. Gabe and I had even drifted apart. It wasn't until Owen mentioned the risk to Jessica that we all finally agreed to the mission. He was right, this one hit way too close to home.

Once the meeting ended, everyone went off to do their separate things and I found myself on the front porch staring at the flickering lights across the pond. I watched as a petite woman walked out to the backyard with a blanket and candles. At first, I waited to see if someone else came out. I assumed a couple had probably rented the cottage for a romantic getaway, but no one else came out. The woman knelt on the blanket and lit the candles. What was she doing? I needed a closer look.

When I finally made my way to the edge of the clearing, I heard her saying words in a language I didn't understand. I noticed the candles seemed to flare for a moment, then she froze.

"Do you make a habit of sneaking up on strangers?" she asked, not even turning in my direction.

"Shit. Oh, um, I'm sorry about that," I stammered like a teenager. "It's just, well, I got curious. This old place has been empty for so long."

She turned to look at me and paused as if pondering something. "It's okay, really. But maybe next time you could ring the door like a proper guest?" she finally said.

"Assuming I'm allowed, I promise to use the front door next time." I took a step forward to shake her hand, "I'm Luke. I live across the way. Guess we're neighbors."

She stood from the blanket, "Pleasure to meet you, Luke. I'm Eveleen." I felt as if I'd been shocked when she touched my skin. I saw the recognition in her eyes that she'd felt it too, but she didn't acknowledge it. "Well Luke, I really should call it a night. Long flight and all." I really didn't want to let go of her hand, but I finally did.

Trying to stall, I said, "You should stop in some time. I'm sure everyone would like to introduce themselves, and I don't think we'd all fit in that tiny cottage."

"Everyone? Wait just how many people live there?" I don't think she meant to say that out loud. Her expression was so cute.

"There's nine of us."

"Oh wait, did I say that out loud? Sorry, guess I'm more jet-lagged than I realized," she blushed a beautiful crimson color, letting her dark brown hair fall to cover her embarrassment.

"No worries. I'll stop bothering you," I started to leave then asked, "Just curious, but what is your accent? I can't quite place it."

"Irish, milseán (sweetie). Nice meeting you, Luke." Oh wow, her smile was breathtaking. I really needed to tell the guys about this.

Maybe things are looking up after all.

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