Chapter 66

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Brandon's POV

We all sat nervously waiting in the family room. Both Luke and Silas looked like they were going to puke. I can only imagine how hard this has to be for them. Their brother was dying upstairs. It didn't matter that he would come back, it was still a death - the death of his human half. Hell, he didn't even get to go see Uncle one last time. I mean, what if something went wrong? What if he couldn't control the bloodlust? Well, shit, now I'm freaking out.

"Where's mikri magissa?" Silas's voice made me jump. I looked up and realized he was talking to Nyx who was coming down the stairs.

"She's sitting with him. I doubt she'll leave until he wakes. Jace, you should stay close in case he wakes in full bloodlust. He could hurt her and not realize it." She said rubbing her temples. "My work here is done, gentlemen. My son can reach me if there are any complications. Oh, and Gabriel, please let me know when you are ready to perform the spell. I would like to be there just in case she accidentally transitions. I'd need to give her my blood to make her an original so that she would live as long as North."

"Wait, what about the bonding? If he's blood crazy, how are they supposed to, of um, ya know," I asked, my cheeks burning.

Nyx gave a mischievous laugh, "So not an issue anymore." She smirked and vanished.

Luke started laughing so hard he rolled off the damn couch, sputtering, "Leave it to my brother to die during sex!" The room broke out in snickers and laughter.

Gabe snorted, "That's so fuckin not okay, Luke." But he couldn't hide the grin and eventual laugh that broke free.

"Isn't that like every man's hidden dream?" Silas chuckled, "Dying in the arms of a beautiful woman."

"I'm so getting him a t-shirt with that old rock song on it - I just died in your arms tonight!" Luke roared in laughter again.

"Oh fuck, stop it, Luke," Gabe gasped. "Victor, quick I need mouth to mouth, I can't breathe!" Vic just rolled his eyes at him and shook his head in mock shame.

Yeah, the jokes were corny, but at least we were all laughing for a change. The past week had been a real emotional rollercoaster and we all knew it wasn't over by a long shot. We would take our happy moments where we could get them. As our laughter began to subside, the room fell quiet and we heard soft singing.

All eyes turned towards the staircase as we listened to Eveleen sing to North. I didn't understand some of the lyrics, but her voice sounded like an angel. Luke crept to the top of the stairs and began recording her voice.

Come my love our worlds would part,

The gods will guide us across the dark.

Come with me and be mine, my love,

Stay and break my heart.

From the shores through the ancient mist,

You bear the mark of my elven kiss.

Clear the way, I will take you home

To eternal bliss.

Sha ta co ti oh scum ne rivna

Sha ta co ti oh nugga tir na nog

Sha ta co ti oh scum ne rivna

Nug a tir na nog.

Tir na nog, oh, come beyond the ancient fog,

Tir na nog, oh, come with me to tir na nog.

Far away from the land you knew,

The dawn of day reaches out to you.

Though it feels like a fairy tale,

All of this is true.

Run with me, have a look around.

We build our life on sacred ground.

Come my love, our worlds may part,

We'll be safe and sound.

Time won't follow the path we came.

The world you left, it forgot your name.

Stay with me and be mine, my love,

Spare my heart the pain.

Sha ta co ti oh scum ne rivna

Sha ta co ti oh nugga tir na nog

Sha ta co ti oh scum ne rivna

Nug a tir na nog.

Tir na nog, oh, come beyond the ancient fog,

Tir na nog, oh, come with me to tir na nog.

(Tir Na Nog, Celtic Women)

"Tir Na Nog, what is that?" I asked when she'd finished singing.

"The Fae realm," Owen answered softly, "She's asking him to come home to her."

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