Chapter 62

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Nate's POV

Luke came down the stairs with a basket of laundry and a smile on his face. "So?" I asked, bringing him out of his daze.

He set the basket down, pulled out his phone, and typed a bit, then I felt my pocket buzz. I opened the screen to see a picture of my Valkyrie asleep in Brandon's arm. I felt my shoulders relax for the first time in days.

"She talked to me too," Luke said.

"What did she say? How is she feeling?" Gabe rushed. I think he's been a bigger wreck than anyone. While we all love her and others have bonded with her, she and Gabe had the strongest connection. Not being able to help her or even hear her was killing him.

"She noticed my binding rune. Teased me about being a bad liar," Luke responded, then gave a soft smile, "She said yes when I asked if she still loved me."

Victor put his hand over Gabe's and leaned in to show him the picture again. "She's holding your wolf." His eyes widened and tears began to fall as he gently touched the image on the screen. When his sobs broke loose, Victor wrapped his arms around him, kissing his forehead and whispering to him softly. Suddenly, he froze, head snapping up as he looked to the stairway, his eyes wide. Then he turned to Victor, gave him a toe-curling kiss, and dashed up the stairs.

"What the fuck was that?" North boomed.

"She spoke to him, here," Vic tapped his temple. "Apparently she felt his sadness and called out to him. It's progress, brothers, no matter how little it may seem. If she's feeling our emotions again, then she's slowly dropping the barriers."

We all pondered the possibilities when we heard the door open as Kota and Jace came into the room. Ever since Eveleen's rescue, those two had become closer. Despite modern film trends, vampires and werewolves were distantly related - something to do with the moon and night.

"Gentlemen, did you find any answers?" Owen asked stiffly. He'd been reverting back to his formal mannerisms to cope lately.

Jace raised his eyebrow at Owen's tone but quickly dismissed it. "I have some information, but it might not be well received." I noticed Brandon slip into the room, taking a seat next to Marc and Luke.

Kota gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, "It's up to him, Jace. He has the right to know."

"Will someone please explain what the fuck you two are babbling on about?" North roared impatiently.

Jace looked straight at him, "You, North. You are what we are 'babbling' about. The Council has a spell that will work, but it requires something I can't do, and according to the Fates, Owen is not allowed to help with this - his claim has already been established, just not revealed yet. You are the only one, but.." he dropped off.

"I think you need to start at the beginning, Jace," Kota said

Jace nodded his head, let out a deep breath, and began. "The Council has reached out to Cailleach. Surprisingly, she responded. If we remove the stone without breaking the soul connection, Cricket will be just like those meat suits the shades inhabited, a soulless creature. So we have to try and extract the stone without taking her soul. According to Cailleach, this can only be done if we bring her to the brink of death." He pointed at me, "Odin gave Nate and Gabe the magic and the runes to connect to her on a spiritual level. They can accompany her in the spirit while the spell unwinds, but to save her, she'll need vampire blood similar to how I saved her at the temple."

"I still don't understand how this has anything to do with me," North said, "I'm not a vampire. Besides, why can't you just give her your blood?"

"But you could be," a very feminine voice said from behind us. We all jumped in our seats at the appearance of this woman. She had flowing black hair and her skin was as pale as fine marble. Her eyes were pools of black and she moved silently across the floor, coming to stand mere inches in front of North.

"Mother, I thought we agreed I would explain things first," Jace grimaced. Wait, what?

"You were taking too long." The woman said blandly. "So this is the protector," she mused, inspecting North as she walked around him in a circle. "His heart is true, a strong soul. His strength will rival your own, Jace. Yes, it will work."

"What will work, lady?" North demanded.

She let out a laugh that made my insides freeze. Oh shit, I don't think that was a good move. She might look fragile, but I get the feeling this lady is anything but.

"Only a vampire that is bonded to Cricket can save her, North. While I love her dearly, it's not that kind of love. She's, um, not my type," Jace stammered. A few of us chuckled at his response. The woman just rolled her eyes.

"Okay, but I still don't get what your mother has to do with it, or how I'm supposed to become a vampire, 'cuz man, you ain't biting me."

The woman laughed again. Then the room seemed to become darker, the only light to be found, centering around her. When she spoke, her voice carried across the room, shaking the walls, "I am Nyx, Primordial Goddess of Night and mother of all vampires, North Taylor. I offer you true immortality and the ability to save your Queen." North's body shook and he dropped to his knees before her. "Will you accept my gift?"

"He most certainly will fucking not accept your gift," Eveleen's voice boomed from the top of the stairway.  

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