Bonus Chapter 9

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Take Flight

Victor's POV

It's been two years and still no solid leads on Kaylie. Even Quinn hasn't been able to find anything other than rumors around the demon world. Jewel struggled with Kaylie's appearance throughout her pregnancy, terrified that someone would try and take her. We had even postponed several missions to stay close to her. However, once that little girl was born with her father's heterochromatic eyes, we were all at her mercy. Nagini is every bit the trickster her father is, but one look and we all fell to her feet. I'm beginning to think even Loki has been outdone. Petite like her mother, she flies through the palace leaving mischief in her wake.

I rounded the corner into the dining hall to see Jewel picking up flower petals and mumbling to herself. "Jewel, are you okay?" she raised her head and I saw the tears in her eyes. Crossing the room, I pulled her against me, "Hey, what's wrong, love?"

She leaned against my chest a huge sigh passing through her. "I'm just so tired. I mean, it's been a while since I've had to keep up with a toddler, and Nagini, well, Nagini is like ten toddlers at once," she huffed, "Did you realize she could teleport?" I shook my head no, but wasn't all that surprised. All of the children seemed to be magically inclined quite early and with each child, it seemed to manifest earlier. "She decided to make a grand appearance in the council chambers then pop out here to sneak cookies." I did my best to suppress a laugh as Eveleen slapped my chest and scolded me. "It's not funny, mo dhragún," she whined, then gave a small laugh, "Okay, maybe it's a little funny, but it's also frustrating."

I stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. "You know, you have fifteen husbands who want to help. Has Marc tried talking with her?" I asked.

Jewel nodded, "Yes, and in typical Nagini fashion she just giggled and vanished." We heard someone clear their throat and looked up to see her mother and Erica standing in the doorway. "Hello Mother, Erica, is everything alright?" she asked them, straightening a bit.

Her mother's eyes glimmered, "Well, we think we might have a solution to your toddler problem." Orria motioned for us to sit down. She and Erica exchanged grins, and then she spoke. "Erica and I think little Miss Nagini needs a shock. We think she is loving being the center of attention and having Mama all to herself. So," she paused, "we think you should leave for a while. Take a vacation, go flying, get out of the palace for a while."

Jewel sputtered, "I can't do that, I mean, well, who would take care of her?"

Erica scoffed, "Like Victor said, she had lots of fathers to care for her, not to mention Orria and I can help."

I felt Jewel's anxiety at the thought of leaving our daughter and whispered in her ear, "Come flying with me. We can explore and spend a day or two away from everything. It's been ages since we both let our dragon forms out." She looked up at me, her eyes searching mine. Trust me, love, I whispered into her thoughts.

Her body relaxed and she sighed, "Okay, but only a couple of days."

I chuckled, "Of course."


Nagini was not happy to learn we were leaving. She kept trying to teleport into the room and follow us. Marc finally had to have Loki bind her power for a bit. We all thought it might not be a bad idea to 'ground' her for a while.

We stepped into the gardens and after a few tearful hugs and words of encouragement from the others, she and I shifted. With a final glance, we headed out soaring across the skies. You look beautiful, Jewel, I told her. The sun glimmered off her pale silvery scales. She trilled in response and soared higher. Even though she could speak in her dragon form, Eveleen often chose not to. I think in a way it really was an escape for her.

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