Chapter 14

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Silas's POV

 The house was still, but sleep would not find me tonight. This mission was dangerous. Far more dangerous than anything we've ever done. Maybe it was my Greek heritage, but I believed both Victor and Gabe. We weren't dealing with some serial killer. Whatever had taken those people wasn't human, but I couldn't make my brothers see it. How do I protect them from what they refuse to believe in?

I sat on the porch, watching the bugs and wildlife play in the moonlight. Until the sound of splashing water caught my attention. My first thought was an alligator, but when I looked closer I saw the water rising in arcs and fountains as if it was dancing. By Posideon, what is going on? I hesitantly walked towards the water. That's when I saw her - pale skin glowing in the moonlight. She came off the cottage porch, speaking in a strange language, and walked toward the pond. I gasped when I saw the water begin to churn and make a funnel that she walked into.

Μάγισσα (witch).

She was only in the funnel for a few moments, but when she stepped out she appeared ethereal, the ground literally bloomed beneath her feet. My first instinct was to run, but the more I watched her, the more at peace I felt. She danced and giggled like an innocent child, spinning in the grass.

What is going on?

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