Chapter 37

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Owen's POV

Sean and I walked into the kitchen holding hands to the sounds of our brothers talking and joking. Gabe looked up as we entered, eyeing the bite marks on Sean's neck and our intertwined hands. He flashed a smile, "About damn time you two quit fuckin hiding!"

Sean made a strangled sound, before blurting, "You knew?"

"Dude, we've lived together for years, not to mention, the walls aren't entirely soundproof. Of course, we knew. We were just waiting for you two to realize it was okay with all of us." Nate said, sipping his coffee. "I mean it's kinda hard to keep secrets around here, right Gabe?"

"Oy! Why you gotta throw me under the bus, you fucker!" he laughed as he walked past Victor and gave him a quick kiss. Victor's cheeks flushed red. Apparently, I'd missed that relationship development over the years. I knew Gabe was bi, but I had no idea about Victor. I heard a soft giggle and turned my attention to Eveleen walking into the room with Silas. She was wearing his t-shirt without pants and he held his arm around her tightly. "Speaking of thin walls," Gabe laughed again. Eveleen's cheeks reddened and Silas gave her a reassuring hug.

Gabe stepped up to her as Silas removed his arms, "Oh little wolf, I'm only teasing. No one is upset with you, maybe a bit jealous it wasn't me making you scream, but definitely not upset." He picked her up as she wrapped her legs around him, and carried her to the kitchen counter. He leaned in and whispered something in her ear that made her giggle nervously. I felt Sean squeeze my hand, and I turned toward him. He gave me that 'see I told you' look before letting go of my hand to grab his breakfast.

I cleared my throat, "When everyone's finished their meal, could we all meet in the family room. I think we need to discuss yesterday's events and determine our next steps." Everyone either nodded their heads or verbally agreed.

When everyone had settled in I looked to Kota to start as usual. "I'm not sure I'm the best person to take the lead on this, Owen. May I suggest Gabe start then we go around to those who have been claimed followed by Eveleen and anyone else who has something to add?" Kota said hesitantly. I agreed and turned my attention to Gabe. He had a surprised look on his face.

"Okay, well damn," he started. "So you all know about my claiming with Odin - you were all fuckin there. As for last night, when the shade attacked, Eveleen used a shield spell and I just added my own magic to make it stronger, then we used light to repel it. She asked me to go get the coven members so I then led Kota, North, Luke, Nate, and Silas down to the basement. We found ten locked cages, three with hostages, seven empty. I used a spell to unlock the cages and then we carried them out to the front yard. That was when Kota noticed that Eveleen and Brandon were missing. I think we all know everything up to the point Victor entered the building."

Victor stared at Eveleen and Brandon, then said, "I think it might be best if they fill in what was happening before I entered the house, then pick up after my part again."

"Agreed," I said, "Eveleen, Brandon can you tell us what was happening inside the house?"

"We were walking down the hall where the shade had gone down when she realized it was a trap. She tried to get me to leave, but I refused." Brandon said in a determined tone. "There were three shades and they had lured us down the hall and trapped us. One touched my arm and it withered like a dead limb. Then when a second shade lunged for Firecracker, I stepped in between them. It felt like being stabbed with an icicle. Then I don't remember anything until I woke up in the front yard."

Eveleen gave his hand a squeeze of reassurance. "That's mostly everything. I was trying to shield us as the three shades attacked when Victor appeared in the hallway. Back to your turn, Victor," she said with a sweet smile.

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