Chapter 3

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Eveleen POV

The flight had been uneventful, but at least this little cottage was adorable. The sun was low on the horizon when my Uber dropped me off. The lights were already on and the pantry was stocked. I placed my luggage in the main bedroom off of the small living area. Making a cuppa, I went room to room, checking for any spells, and placing my own wards. The coven had assured me that I would be undisturbed here. They said the nearest neighbors were on the other side of a fairly sizable pond. They indicated it was a group of bachelors that shared the sprawling Victorian mansion I saw on my way in.

Taking my tea, I sat on the large porch swing, listening to the night insects come out. It really was a breathtaking view. The cottage set back away from the main road far enough I'd have no worry of prying eyes. I'd head to the coven tomorrow to speak with their elders. The information they'd already provided was heartbreaking. Seven. Seven victims from their coven. I know my experience with covens wasn't great, but some were like families, and this one seemed to be close. When I spoke to one of the elders on the phone, she was in tears telling me about the latest missing girl. She was only 21 and had been reported missing a week ago. Her family thought she was just off partying. It was the coven that finally convinced the local authorities to get involved.

Stepping back inside to grab a blanket and my tools, I walked to a clear area behind the cottage and spread the blanket and placed my candles, then raised a protection shield to keep out prying eyes. Placing the victim's photos in a silver bowl, I added the herbs and oils. With raised hands, I called to the Goddess - Nocht an sealgair (reveal the hunter).

The candles flared as the smoke began to swirl. A black shape began to form over the bowl, long claws, tattered clothing, rotting flesh. Damn shades!

Before I could continue the spell, I heard a crackling noise. I stopped, looking around hesitantly, but couldn't see anyone. Then it hit me. There was a soft scent of vanilla and an aura of fascination, yet no fear. There was also a gut-wrenching sadness. Whoever my spy was, he had experienced heartbreak and betrayal. Should I continue or acknowledge him? To him, it would just look like a woman sitting on a blanket with some candles, unless he possessed his own magic, but I didn't sense any.

"Do you make a habit of sneaking up on strangers?" I asked, not turning from my spell, but lowering my hands to extinguish the shade image.

"Shit." I heard the man curse under his breath. "Oh, um, I'm sorry about that," he stammered. "It's just, well, I got curious. This old place has been empty for so long."

I turned to meet his chocolate brown eyes. They hid so much sadness. Oh, milseán, I really want to hug that sadness away - wait get a grip Eve, this is so not the time. "It's okay, really. But maybe next time you could ring the door like a proper guest?" I admonished him.

He smirked a bit and shook his head. "Assuming I'm allowed back, I promise to use the front door next time." He took a cautious step forward and stretched out his hand, and nodded towards the Victorian, "I'm Luke. I live across the way. Guess we're neighbors."

I slowly stood and backed off the blanket. "Pleasure to meet you, Luke. I'm Eveleen." I felt a jolt when his hand touched mine and quickly looked up to see if he reacted as well. Apparently, he did, because his eyes were wide open, mouth slightly agape. Trying to detract, "Well Luke, I really should call it a night. Long flight and all."

He pulled away, shuffling his feet, "You should stop in some time. I'm sure everyone would like to introduce themselves, and I don't think we'd all fit in that tiny cottage."

Everyone? Wait just how many people live there?

He laughed, "There's nine of us."

"Oh wait, did I say that out loud? Sorry, guess I'm more jet-lagged than I realized," I blushed.

"No worries. I'll stop bothering you," he turned to leave through the woods, but hesitated and asked, "Just curious, but what is your accent? I can't quite place it."

I grinned, "Irish, milseán (sweetie). Nice meeting you, Luke." He nodded and left while I gathered my supplies and headed inside.

I'll have to be more careful with my spellwork if all of them are that curious.

Author's Notes:  She's met Luke now, who do you think will be next?

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