Chapter 10

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North's POV

I don't know exactly why, but after both Luke and Nate's expressions, I just had to see what all the fuss was about. I stepped up on the porch of the old Walker cabin and chuckled when I saw the pile of wet clothes on the floorboards. My eyes traveled to the pair of black lace thongs peeking out from the pile. Damn those looked good. I can only imagine how they looked on the woman who took them off.

I knocked on the door. When a tiny brunette opened the door, I about lost my mind. "Hello, can I help you?" she asked.

"Hi, um, I'm North. I live next door and just thought I'd introduce myself." I was stuttering like a teenage boy. All I could do was picture her in those black thongs.

"Pleasure to meet you North, I'm Eveleen. So you live next door with Luke?" She led me into the front room. Good grief, those chairs look like they're a hundred years old.

"Yeah, he's my brother. Sorry if I'm intruding." I couldn't help it, I gave her a grin, "Do you realize you have a pile of wet clothes on your porch?"

She blushed from head to toe. "Um, yeah, I should hang those to dry," she stammered. "So North, would you like something to drink? I can put on a kettle for tea."

I want to see where that blush stops, I thought to myself. I felt the buzz in my pocket. Damn stupid timing. Looking at my phone, I stood to leave, "No, I don't want to put you out, just thought I'd stop in. You really should come by and meet everyone else. Sorry, I have to go. Don't forget those clothes, wouldn't want any wildlife running off with your undergarments," I laughed as I passed out the door.

"Thank you for visiting, cosantóir (protector)."

When we shook hands I felt a jolt of electricity that made me jump. What the heck was that? "My pleasure, Eveleen."

I walked out to my Jeep with the same stupid grin Luke and Nate had. I get it now.

Author's Notes:  I promise not every chapter is a back and forth on POV of the same scene, but sometimes it helps to see the events/emotions of other characters from multiple perspectives.  Let me know what you think.

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