Chapter 64

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Eveleen's POV

I stomped down the stairs, leveling my gaze at Jace. "What the hell is she doing here and why the fuck is she offering her 'gift' to North?" I was furious! Did North even understand the consequences of her 'gifts'?

"Cricket, please," Jace stammered, "just let me, let us explain."

"Explain what exactly? Explain that the wife of the bastard who wants me is standing in our living room? Explain that you were about to turn my North into a damn vampire - did you even explain it to him, does he even understand what being a vampire entails - the repercussions? How dare you, how dare both of you stroll in here and fuck with my family like this!" I was gasping for air by the time I finished my rant. Sean quickly came beside me and helped me sit down.

"Easy Star, you can't push yourself right now," he sounded like a mother hen - it made me smile.

"I'm fine, Sean, just pissed." I turned to North, "Did anyone really explain this to you?"

"No," he said quietly. "I don't care about the consequences, Queen. If this is what it takes to save you, then I'll do whatever I need to."

I gawked at him, then at Jace, "What do you mean, save me?" I slapped at my chest, "This damn thing can only come out when I die or my soul is removed. That isn't salvation."

It was Nyx that answered me. "Foolish girl, nothing in magic is ever that simple and you above all should know that. I see eleven men who are willing to die for you, claimed by multiple deities with more to come and you think that stone is an either-or outcome?" She stalked towards me and I flinched. "Despite your opinions of me, Eveleen, I bear you no ill will. You have saved my Jace more than once, and the claim Erebus is trying to invoke is unlawful. While I am no innocent, I will not stand by and allow any woman to be abused, raped, and enslaved."

I cringed at her words, fighting to keep the tears at bay. Gritting my teeth, I spoke, "Fine, then explain everything to me and North both. Then he can make an informed decision." I held my hand out to him. He came and stood by my chair.

"Well like I told North, Cailleach told the council that you would need to be drained to the point of almost death, then Gabe and Nate will spirit walk with you to unravel the stone. Vampire blood can heal you, but it needs to be with a vampire you are bonded to. That way the magic is stronger and has a better chance of bringing you back unchanged." Jace rattled off.

"Wait, you never said there was a chance she'd be changed," North barked. "Are you telling me she might die and then I'd end up changing her into a vampire?"

Jace fidgeted in his seat, not meeting either of our eyes. "And this is why you pay attention to the fine print when dealing with Nyx," I growled.

"Oh, no, I'm not part of this beyond transforming and claiming him. This dear fairy is all your patron. Cailleach gave the plan and spell to the Council. Jace contacted me afterward," Nyx said, waving her hand dramatically. "My son left that last little fact out to me as well." Taking a deep breath, she knelt in front of me - Nyx never kneels to anyone. "If that were to happen, I would welcome you as a daughter, Eveleen. Please let me explain the transition to North. Do not let Erebus win." With tears brimming, I nodded.

She stood and turned her attention to North. "The process is fairly simple, it's the after-effects that has your fairy concerned. Since I would be giving you original vampire status, I would be the one to drain your blood and share mine with you, as well as magic from the primordial pits. Unlike most vampires, this means you are similar to a demi-god, sunlight would have no effect on you, nor would silver, wooden stakes, etc. The only way to truly kill you is to rip your heart from your chest or decapitate you. Then again, both of those would kill just about anything, mundane or supernatural. Once your blood is drained, I will break your neck and wait for your rebirth. It can take a few hours or even a day." North made a strangled noise and involuntarily rubbed his neck at that last detail, making Nyx chuckle softly. "Jace, I think it might be best if you explain what life as a vampire is like. Any information I give would be second-hand at best."

He looked at me, knowing I would call him out for even the slightest omission. "It is really hard in the beginning. You will go from human to damn near indestructible in a short amount of time. Sounds, emotions, light, everything is amplified. Your protective nature will be on overdrive for a while. The thirst for blood will be maddening for the first few months. I can teach you how to hunt so you don't drink from humans, but you will have to drink from Eveleen for the spell and to bond."

"Keep going, Jace," I said softly.

He huffed. "There are risks to immortality. Eternity is a really long time and some immortals go mad - from boredom, loss, etc. The shifting into true form is also painful, not like what Kota experiences. For us, it hurts every time, and the anger when in that form can be uncontrollable. There is also the possibility that you might never be able to father children with Eveleen. Pregnancy between vampires and humans is impossible, and vampire to vampire it is only possible with originals. With a Fae? It's never even been attempted that I know of." I had already known this fact, but I wanted North to have all the details going into this. If he chose this, he had to know the risks.

North stroked my cheek softly speaking, "I would love to have children with you my Queen, but if I can't then I know my brothers will give you all the babies you want. I will love those children as if they were my own." I felt the tears streaming down my cheeks as his thumb wiped a few away. "If we don't try this, then all will be lost anyway - no children, no happiness for any of us. Please let me try, Eveleen. Take this risk with me so that we can spend eternity together." He pressed his lips against mine gently. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me up and nodded to Nyx, he carried me to his room as she followed us. 

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