Chapter 85

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Nathan's POV

I sat trying to remember what it was that had drawn me to Sang in the first place. Looking from her to Valkyrie, I couldn't see it. We were all kids when things started with us, young and stupid. We thought our love would last forever, but it was childish. She had idolized us for saving her from her abusive family, and we convinced ourselves she was old enough to commit. We were idiots.

What fifteen-year-old was that mature, especially never having seen a healthy relationship before? And, fuck, despite our best efforts, we really never had a healthy relationship either. We were either over-protective, demanding, jealous, or too lovesick to see the signs that she was lying and hiding things from us. Hell, maybe we drove her to Volto. I looked up when I felt a soft hand on mine.

Don't do that to yourself, mo lochlannach, she said in my mind. She made her own decisions and no matter what, it is in the past. You are stronger now and I love you.

"So who the hell is she?" Kaylie demanded, breaking the awkward silence.

"She is Eveleen, Ms. Winchester," Valkyrie snapped, channeling her inner Owen.

Kaylie gave a sour look, "Good to know they moved on. Are you with all fourteen of them?"

"Da," Raven said, taking a step closer to Eveleen. "She will be soon." Valkyrie blushed and gave him a soft smile.

"So why did you all trap us in here? We haven't done anything," Kaylie snapped.

Several of the guys snorted or coughed. "You lied for years. You've both been working with Volto and gave mission information to him and his followers. You got good people hurt over the years." Silas spoke, still looking at the floor, "And that doesn't even begin to cover what you did to all of us personally, but that is not up for discussion. You are here to help us locate Volto, or go to prison. You choose." When he finished speaking he looked directly at Sang.

"You'd send me to p...prison, Superman?" her voice was low and shaky.

"No, Sang, you've done this all by yourself. We offered you a life where you could help people, and make a difference, but you chose to break the law. I can't, no I won't let that go unanswered." He clenched his jaw as he spoke, only relaxing when Axel put a hand on his shoulder.

Owen cleared his throat. "Ms. Sorensen, as much as I'd like to believe this innocent act, we've seen far too much proof to the contrary to believe it. So stop wasting our time with your school girl routine and tell us where to find Volto. We really don't have time for your theatrics." Damn, he's done, like really just done.

Her mouth hung open for a minute, then the facade dropped. "Very well, Mr. Blackbourne, what kind of a deal is the Academy offering in exchange for mine and Kaylie's testimony?"

He laughed at her. "I'm not in charge here. I suggest you direct your plea bargaining towards Corey and Raven." That fact seemed to surprise her. Even when Owen wasn't in charge, he always acted like it. To see him so readily step back was new territory for her and for us honestly.

Kaylie began laughing loudly, "What? Him? Axel, you put him in charge. Damn you guys are really falling apart."

"Bí ciúin!" Valkyrie yelled at her, her hands glowing silver. Wait, when did her magic come back? "You will not speak another word, either of you until I wish it." She stalked towards them, her eyes an iridescent green. "You are beyond contempt and I'll be damned if I'm going to allow either of you to mistreat my loves any longer." Her glamour faded and both Kaylie and Sang silently gasped, jaws hanging agape. "There are far worse things in this world than Volto, and I'd be, oh, so happy to show you all of it if you continue to try my patience."

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