Chapter 1: Denial ●

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Rewritten on 10.31.2022

Third Person's POV

Trisha and Leia have to do a kissing scene for the series. Leia and Trisha are standing in front of eachother, preparing for the scene. "I bet kissing trash is better than kissing you" Leia comments "Ha ha, I bet that kissing you is worse than getting bitten by a shark" Trisha replies while rolling her eyes.

"ACTION!" The director screams.

Leia wraps her arms around Trisha's waist and kisses her, Trisha puts her hands on Leia's shoulders.

"CUT!" The director screams

Trisha and Leia doesn't stop kissing.

"I SAID CUT!" The director screams

They finally pull away, they look at eachothers eyes then went to their rooms.

All of the set members were left confused.

Trisha's POV

What was that? I got lost in the moment, were we deaf or what. I went back to my room and paced around, what was that? It probably doesn't mean anything, we just didn't hear. I calmed myself down and decided to call Kaylin,

"Kay, I don't know what happend. Leia and I kissed longer than intended!"

"What? What happend?"

"We were teasing eachother about how the kissing will go but when it happend, I got lost in the moment and didn't hear the cue of our director. And-"

"Trisha, you're rambling, calm down. Maybe you like her...?"

"No! I can't! I won't!"

"Okay guys are tired, you have been filming for weeks, you probably just didn't hear."

"Okay, thank you Kay."

I end the call and drank water. I went and sat on the couch to watch while waiting for the bell to say that the break is done. I don't like her. I would never do. Who would like Leia Kesse?

The Next week...

Leia's POV

We had to go to an interview for the newest episode, which is the episode where we kiss for the first time in the series. We were all in a van going to the interview. I was just wearing earphones listening to music, because I dont wanna deal with people. I was beside Trisha since I had no option. Thunder crashed, I saw Trisha flinch out of the corner of my eye. She started fidgeting with her hands, whats up with her? Is she scared of thunder? It started raining, I increased the volume of my music.

After 10 minutes we arrived at our destination. When we went out of the van, alott of fans were surrounding the area. We were escorted by our security, we went in the building.

We sat down on the couch for the interview, it was us 4 of the cast. Zach, Bella, Trisha and, me. We started recording, "So today we are with..." The host trails off for us to introduce ourselves "Leia Kesse" "Trisha Leroy" "Zach Smith" "Bella Khaiz" we introduce ourselves. "The cast of 'Complicated Love', a Gl series that became famous since the first release. We are gonna read some questions for the cast to answer, questions from you, the viewers." The host says "Okk so are you guys ready?" The host asks "Yea!" We all say "So, is Trisha and Leia dating?" The host asks, "Nope, we are friends and nothing more" Trisha states. "Ok for Zach and Bella, what happend behind the scenes during Leia and Trisha's first kiss." The host faces Zach and Bella, Bella glances at me "Well.." Zach faces Bella "Well umm they kissed longer than the script" Bella says softly, the host gasps "What??? Oh my god, is Leisha real?" The host asks, "Hmmm" Zach and Bella faces both of us, I look at Trisha and she looks back at me. "Like Trisha said, we're just friends" I state, they turn to Trisha. "Yes, we are just friends" Trisha says, "Ok sure" Bella says not believing a word. "Ok! Let's move question, are Zach and Bella dating in real life?" The host asks "We're bestfriends, we treat eachother like siblings." Bella says while Zach is nodding "Wow, healthy relationship" thr host says before moving on to the next question. "Are you guys planning on having more seasons?" He asks "Well, it depends, come back to us in the future" I wink, he chuckles and moves on to the next card.

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