Chapter 31: Q&A and 2nd month?

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July 14, 2022

Leia's POV

I woke up due to the smell of food, I opened my eyes and saw the bed empty. I got up stretching my arms, I went out of the bedroom. I saw Trisha cooking food in her messy bun, wearing a shirt and some shorts. I went up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist "Hey love," she greets, I kiss her shoulder "Good morning beautiful" I snuggle into her neck. "I have a question," I say "And that is?" She asks "will we still count 15 as our monthsary?" I ask "If you want, we can just count it as a break" she looks to me "Yes please, the month would be wasted" I kiss her neck "Alright then my love" she turns around, she tip toes giving me a peck on my lips. "The food is done" she smiles, we got the food ready on the table.

I was sat opposite of her, she was eating her breakfast. I eat the food, looking at her once in a while. When I was done, I just stared at Trisha. Admiring my girlfriend's beauty. How did I ever get her? Do I even deserve her? God, she's so perfect. She's so beautiful. Her eyes are gorgeous. "Want a staring contest love?" She faces me making eye contact "Sorry, you're just so beautiful" I apologize "Don't worry, I don't mind you staring at me" she smiles "Hmm, good. Cause you'll find me always staring at you" I place my head on my hand "I love you" she says "I love you more" I stated.

I was washing the dishes when Trisha wrapped her arms around my waist, she kisses my neck softly and gently. "Lovee, when do we need to go?" I ask her "In an hour" she replies, I finished washing the dishes and turned around. I saw her smile making me smile, I kiss her lips. "I'll get ready" she softly says, I smiled in response before kissing her lips. She gets ready, going in the bathroom. My phone rings,


"I'm back, wanna meet up this week?"

"Yeah sure, I missed you"

"Yeah okay,"

"You're offending, I literally rarely say that"

"Well, I'm honored

"Yeah you really should be"

"But yeah, I'll text you when. I'm kinda busy. Bye."


She literally just said okay to my I miss you, I am for real offended. Anyways, I sat down on Trisha's bed scrolling through my phone while waiting. After a few minutes, I heard a door click making me look up. I saw Trisha looking stunningly gorgeous.

"Lee" I hear a voice that I love which makes my snap back to reality, I shake my head waking myself up. "Uh yeah?" I ask as if nothing happend "You were zoning out, you okay?" She asks "Yeah," I smiled at her "You look beautiful" I stand up, I kiss her cheek. "Why thank you my love," she places her hand on my shoulder, I kiss her deeply pulling her closer. "Get ready bub" she softly says "Sure," I smile giving her a quick kiss before going in the bathroom, I get ready.

I got out fixing my shirt, I looked up to see Trisha already looking at me. "Let's go?" I ask fixing my hair "Uhm wait" she says standing up, she goes in front of me. She looks into my eyes as she unbuttons my shirt "Yeah we can go now" she smiles, I give her a kiss on her lips before we went out of the apartment.

I open and close the car door for her, I got in the drivers seat. I hold her hand, driving to the location. We listen to music through out the ride. We arrived at the studio after 20 mins.

I got out of the car, opening Trisha's door. She got out using my hand, we went in the studio. "Hey guys!" Zach greets "Hi" Trisha greeted "You guys finally together? You keep on coming in together" Zach says, my phone rings. I excuse myself before walking away to answer my phone,

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