Chapter 24: Explanation ●

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Rewritten on 11.21.2022

Leia's POV

My phone rings, "Wifey💛", I picked it up.

"Yes love?"

"Don't call me that. We're Over"


"I thought Olivia Rodrigo was just a friend?"

"Wait what. Trisha, we are just friends."

"I saw you kiss her Leia."

"What? Where? I'm in bed"

"Yea okay...We are over."

She ends the call, what the fvck? I kissed Liv? Oh. I opened my phone and went to my contacts.


"Hey L...what's wrong?"

"You're in the philippines?"

"Uhh maybe?"

"The fvck, why didn't you tell me"

"We wanted to surprise you but you got quarantined"

"You could've told me! Did you kiss Liv in public?"

"Uhh I don't think so"

"Parking lot?"

"Maybe once or twice"

"My girlfriend thinks I kissed Liv!"

"Oops....I'm sorry"


"Okay, chill, you can fix that"

"I'm sorry I'm just really really"

"Yes I know L, go to your rage room"

"I'll meet with you when I'm well, then I'll kill you"

"Okay, I'll wait"

I ended the call and threw my phone across the room. Sh*t, my anger. Very sorry. I wasted that phone...I got my other phone and called my secretary,

"M buy me a new phone, you know what I want"

"Alright boss, it'll be outside your door later"

I ended the call and got up from my bed going to my gym, I opened another door going to my rage room.

I spent a lot of time there bringing out my frustration, and plus, I can't even fix it. I'm in quarantine, I have to wait another week.

I did try to call Trisha and explain but I think she blocked me, I have to go to her apartment.


The whole week was brutal, I needed Trisha. I spent the week burying myself in work, I really can't bare with the thought of not having Trisha in my life.

I'm getting swabbed to see if I'm positive or negative right now, but I still have to wait. They told me that they would send the results to me as soon as possible, I thanked them and they went out of my penthouse.

I went back to my room and sat down on my desk, I did some work.

July 6, 2022

After like 2 days of doing work, I got an email on my results. I'm negative, finally, I can go to Trisha. I got up and changed my clothes,

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